[4th Era]M4A2 Assault Rifle SetCY Reviewer Offline 02.03.12 02:55:23 pm This is an assault rifle set. This set will replace your "M4A1" with 5 different camouflage paints. Note! Read the description in the picture. You have my permission to use my weapons in your mod but please inform me for this! Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 02:45 am) Download 374 kb, 860 Downloads
DevGru User Offline 17.11.12 02:03:55 am @ CY: Add the silencer image for each M4A2, you have the sound but you're missing the image. I like it!
@SpartyCY Reviewer Offline 16.11.12 03:44:18 pm Who knows? The closest one is [4th Era]AK-47 Assault Rifle Set (37).
DevGru User Offline 16.11.12 09:38:38 am @ KimKart: He did. Edit: @ CY: Also, add the silencer images. I like it!edited 1×, last 16.11.12 10:22:11 am
Sparty Reviewer Offline 16.11.12 09:16:12 am Wonder why @ CY: isnt getting like 50+ likes.. I like it!
@Captain ObviousCY Reviewer Offline 15.11.12 11:43:31 am You can simply remove the attachments and use iron sights, that should do it.
DevGru User Offline 15.11.12 11:29:00 am @ CY: Can you also make M4A4 next? Just like the one in CS:GO. I like it!
ShuzenFujimori User Offline 06.06.12 05:13:43 pm @ DevGru: luma na yan eh...bulok na ata hehe I like it!