Turkish (Türkçe) Translation-OUTDATEDburaxia3 User Offline 07.04.12 04:24:19 pm I couldn't add some Turkish characters, font or game doesn't support them. Thanks to DaMaGee for some translation helps and 0a for testing it btw. More 08.07.2012More Works properly with Now it's already in language file. You can download from here for updates. Some wrong translations. edited 6×, last 18.08.13 05:21:26 pm Approved by GeoB99 (26.07.16 04:32 pm) Download 11 kb, 519 Downloads
Who Can made Finnish translationTerracraft User Offline 11.12.12 02:42:32 pm Im Need Finland Translation im from finland im maded small version finnish translation but is are S*HIT I like it!
buraxia3 User Offline 14.08.12 08:14:20 pm Check more thing. As it says, new version already includes it. To activate it, just go options/game/language
buraxia3 User Offline 01.05.12 10:50:00 am @ Julia D14M0ND-H34RT, if you know how to translate, then you should known it's not "goed". "went"
Julia D14M0ND-H34RT User Offline 30.04.12 09:37:46 am I know how to translate, just went to .txt and maked it with my own h a n d I like it!edited 1×, last 11.06.12 06:04:57 am