I don't know how I got the idea... but I thought that medic armor is a bit imba: it gives you 10HP every second! In my opinion it's a lot for an armor - you heal yourself anywhere! That's why there's that small solution.

Control how many HP a player gets when wearing medic armor!
You can even let a player lose HP by using the incredible power of math!

Install the script by dropping balanced_medic_armor.lua into /sys/lua/autorun
Now you would want to change the value, that decides about how many HP a player gets (by default 5HP/sec).
Just change the medic_armor_health variable!

There's an easy formula to calculate how much a player will get:
10 + %your_value%
That means if medic_armor_health equals -5, a player gets just 5HP/sec because 10 + (-5) = +5
medic_armor_health = 5 (15HP/sec in total)
medic_armor_health = -11 (-1HP/sec in total)
PS: Do with that script whatever you want.
Approved by GeoB99
394 b, 511 Downloads