I made this lua for Jail,Role Play and other servers.
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edited 4×, last 01.07.13 11:39:01 am
Approved by Seekay
48 kb, 714 Downloads
myx = 0 myy = 0 addhook("movetile","movetile_hook") function movetile_hook(player_id,player_x,player_y) if entity(player_x,player_y,"typename")=="Trigger_Move" and entity(player_x,player_y,"name")=="wp_detect" then for _,iid in ipairs(playerweapons(player_id)) do if iid == 50 then -- nambi else parse("spawnitem "..iid.." "..myx.." "..myy) parse("strip "..player_id.." "..iid) msg2(player_id,"\169255255255"..player(player_id,"name").." have weapons.") return 1 end end end end