╔═══ Info
╠ Author: AlcatrazZ
╠ Idea: Mora
╠ Version: 1.0
╠ Read the FAQ before you write a complaint.
╠═══ Features
╠ Nice looks player
╠ Lags the server if it's weak because this use a always hook. At the moment, this can't be done differently, sorry
╠═══ Useful functions
╠ sh.makeShadow( playerID )
╠| Creates a shodow of a player.
╠ sh.reloadShadow( playerID )
╠| Loads a shadow again.
╠ sh.removeShadow( playerID )
╚| Removes a shadow of a player.
edited 7×, last 18.07.14 12:21:35 am
Approved by Seekay
3 kb, 489 Downloads