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English Asuka Langley Shikinami skin >

53 comments2 kb, 533 Downloads

old Asuka Langley Shikinami skin

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Hello everyone in us

Today, i'll present you my brand new skin.
This time, it's one of the main characters from the Anime/manga movie "Evangelion 3.0: You can (Not) Redo".

Asuka Langley Shikinami


I used some female player base, i can't remember who made it.

• Rules:

× Do not edit it without my permission.
× Do not reupload it.
× Trollz0r

If you want to make a suggestion, write it in the comments.

Have fun!
edited 5×, last 29.08.14 02:24:06 pm
Approved by Seekay

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2 kb, 533 Downloads


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@user Bexone: Who are you? Why are you commenting my uploads? Do you have any problem or something? Don't be a douche.
edited 1×, last 24.08.14 08:08:16 pm


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You want suggestion? Stop making skins.


Deleted User

Ok, her hair looks like unshaved men's back... don't ask me how I know that.


User Off Offline

Ugly. do something better kay?


Super User Off Offline

Lel i am busy. Just because im posting at it doesnt automatically mean im at computer and/or also able to work on the project.
your attitude is bad and even the "judging by screen" sentence is pointless because sprites look the same ingame and as a attached image on a fileupload. As you have a lack of imagination about whats the reality and what belongs to your own little world i wont keep discussing with you, its just senseless. You wont get it anyway.


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@user Raisun: Hah it's illegal to see someone is file, on your point of view, that mean there 105,000 users "stalking".
@user Raisun: i'm just pointing out, if she/he want to re-upload the file, not that i care , i'm sure he/she can make his own decisions.
@user XoOt: @ .Really, in my option it's more like -blind work eye-, only judging by screenshots and don't give damn.
I have only mentioned the comment, not the images, and if you look at them, they aren't supposed to be perfect.As for the reason, i gave you those gfx file is because, one person inform me, that you want to work on the sprites items for the project, so be quiet, you busy fucking liar.

@user Rainoth: You're asking me to stop the arguing,okay ,at less inform your -lap dogs- to stop it as well.


Idiot Off Offline

Goofiest sure went off-topic here. Not saying that I'm against it or anything :3

Anyways, the skin looks somewhat nice, but as Goofiest already said, do something about the hair.


User Off Offline

user Rainoth has written
"someone is another's bootlicker"

Something like that?



Moderator Off Offline

I believe he wanted to sound better. There's a saying in my language which translated means "to be caught like a fish" although what it really means is that "someone is another's bootlicker"


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user Infinite Rain: Maybe this carp?

Also user Delete-This-Account, how can you tell there are some moderators that are better in sprinting than others? I bet you are stalking them, we should report it to the police. You know, invasion of privacy and shit.


Super User Off Offline

Kids will be kids, no matter how old they are.
Btw. Even if @user Rainoth: isnt a spriter or any other gfx related creator he still got working eyes and can point out his opinion about sprites when something looks suspicious. Especially when its obvious that eg. The hair need to be changed to get a file to it's "perfection" dont think you're the best spriter as i already needed to fix some of your gfx. Oh no that shame, dumbest fixed your files. Seriously.. drawing comic based images isnt the king class of graphic design, so its worthless to be proud at a little bit of skill you have in drawing comics.
edited 1×, last 05.08.14 08:30:51 am


Moderator Off Offline

@user Delete-This-Account: Too bad they don't visit file archive. You'll have to deal with me, I'm afraid. I don't see why I can't point out the obvious (just like everyone else here) when it comes to rating skins. Come on, this is not some famous competition or anything where you need known critics to value works.

The more I read your messages, the more I start to think that that last sentence on user Infinite Rain's comment is true ._.


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@user Infinite Rain: In that case, you're Carp easily caught by a "13 year old kid".
@user Rainoth: Well then do a favor, go to the -lua script- section and give advice (help) there, i'm sure there are enough moderators (8) that have more knowledge on sprinting and map creating than you. end of the discussion.

:user Thug Life: Dude, it's like bad map upload , everyone see the map is not good designed, but they had to spit on it ( us tradition).
:user Sebax: Sorry for the dilemma, you can re-upload your archive file again , i promise ,i will give Like.


Thug Life
User Off Offline

Again, I see another beef in comments about a simple skin. Why you can solve it via PM?
About the file, I guess is good, but, like another users said, the hair need fixed cuz with that hair, it looks like Bigfoot aka Yeti than an anime character.


Moderator Off Offline

@user Delete-This-Account: I regret to say it but I do. By being an ass and telling people what's wrong I see people improve their work and everybody gets to deal with less crappy uploads (I do not think this is a crappy upload but improvement is always welcome)
Again, I'll ask that you stop acting like that. Nobody likes arguing and you're just going to set yourself a 'douche' flag (seeing that I write this you are already getting it from me)


Deleted User

user Delete-This-Account has written
@user Rainoth: "Just so you know, you're not benefiting from what you say in any way." same thing as your judgment on archive files, useless and pointless.

You have to be like 13 y/o.
Only kids get mad over (constructive, I might add) criticism. user Rainoth, in this case, gave his feedback, which tells the uploader that he need to improve his work.

I don't even know why I am explaining this to you. Seems like your small brain will not understand it anyway.
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