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old Adjustments to Stranded 2

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i am not a 3d modeller, not even a good script writer.
i just love this game and wish that i could make this game a little more interesting.
so please excuse me uploading this "not really a mod" version of stranded 2

all i do to this version is just adjusting here and there.
so this is basically an original stranded 2, you can play the original maps after installing this.
nothing here is really new but however, here what is different:


- the crystal sword is now the thundergod's sword that inflicts electroshock to everything it hits (you'll become a super saiyan when holding it )
- now you can shoot the pistol in the water. you know, you'll see an amazing effect when soldiers shoot you in the water (usefull if you want to create some amazing underwater world story map, regardless of unfinished model of soldier )
- if you use a bag near some water source, it will be altered to a bottle (yes, hundreds years ago bottles are made from skins )
- the explossive baits now can explode even it's not eaten by animal (you can use it as triggered dynamits, 4 pieces could blow up a hut i guess)


- lockpick : ironbolt + hammer(stay)
- water : 30 leaves + bottle + stone (does it makes sense when you squeeze leaves you just instantly got some water in a bottle? )
- all potions you can combine now need bottle involved
- bag : skin + cord (increase rucksack capacity by 3Kgs + turned into bottle when used at water source)

adjusments in building:

- i changed the default fireplace with the one without stones, you can make it with only 10 branches but it will burned out after while
- you'll need to find a fountain to build a well (you have to dig about 15 times to find a fountain)
- you'll need ironbolts as nails
- decreasing/increasing materials you need to build something (just to make it more "real")
- traps now catch bigger animals

game adjustments:

- you'll got more damage when you sleep without shelter, but if you survived that 2 weeks, you'll got no damage at all (you are wild now )
- you'll never survived shark attack (you'll die after two bites and i add the shark's movement speed, that's how it works in reality right?) unless you are lucky
- little adjustments in loots you'll got from other beings you've killed
- little adjustments in damage system (the foe does to you and you do to them)
- you won't have your rucksack's capacity increased by catching butterflies (who will? ), catching butterflies is now just for fun, you can release it after catching
- you'll be able to catch grasshoppers (with net) and snails, and crabs (just pick them) and roasted them, or release them again
- you'll get your bottle back after drinking, mixing, or another action involving bottle (except throwing it to extinguish flame (you hear the glass broken aren't you? ))
- you can cure yourself from poisoning by eating coconut (yes, you can)
- there'll be NPCs visiting the island randomly, you can trade with them and they will leave after 2 days
- there'll be some trader (you can buy usefull stuff from him, even a ride) too that will visit the island randomly but he will leave after 3 days (I used the weed grandpa as the model )
Approved by Seekay

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i love the game too, iv been following it for 5 years now... 5 YEARS!!!

and some of your mod has given me a great idea for improvement.

mainly the bottle after drinking something, and having to use a bottle to make the bottled drink... i never thought of it, and my mod was supposed to be logical and expansive...

i decided to use the 'butterflys dont help you carry things' also, but i wanted the butterfly's to have at least some purpose, so they now only carry a 5th of the weight.

you should at least look at my mods changelog, maybe it'll give you some inspiration, like yours did me.
I like it!


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I know we can't shoot the pistol in the water,
I changed it just so we can fight soldiers in the water (which has very cool effect :D)

you can use any change here to improve your own mods (even though there aren't much things to use i think :D)

I just love the game so much


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its quite cheaty, but in the end the game is a sandbox, you can do what you want with it.

the flintlock pistol was scripted to not work under water because guns simply don't work underwater, wet powder and all...

the bottle combination work well though.

also, not to self advertise myself, but my mod has many things yours has, and then some, if you'd like to take a look at it, heres the link:

by default it was a hard-mode-mod, but ive spent countless hours putting in hundreds of logical recipes, buildings and items alike.

if you'd like to know every change i made, just read the changelog.

perhaps you would like to do a collaboration?
I like it!


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xONEx: thanks (˘⌣˘)


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SaskSlayer: thank you. You know, other mods offered tons of cool new character, item, and object models. And all I can do is modifying the original scripts (′▽`)
But thanks again for your nice comment.


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I don't play Stranded much, neither know how big the "modding field" is but, from what I've read, that adjustments seem to be nice.
I like it!


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Klirkz : thanks for the info (˘⌣˘)
I hope it could fix the bug


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@user yoggi: There is no simple "on:..."-event when the weapon is not inhand anymore. The only idea coming to my mind is to create a timer on on:inhand and simply check on on:timer whether getplayerammo is still the crystal sword. If so you simply start another timer, otherwise you remove the state.
Should work...


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Sebax: well, as I said above, nothing here is really new, I just make adjustments, so the way you'll know how it's different is by experiencing it. How shall I show you those things in picture? Screenshot of the trader that visits the island? In fact he looks just like weed grandpa, the different is he comes to the island with a boat and sells things for gold and leaves after days. That way you won't know is the trader really visits automatically and randomly or I just put it in there and take a screenshot. So I think I'll just add a screenshot of what soldiers do in water
And I found a bug in my script.
It is that you'll get electroshock when holding crystal sword (I said super saiyan effect :D, no damage), but the states remain even after you take it off.
Will anybody help me,
We can use on:inhand
Is there some code we can use when the weapon is not inhand anymore?


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@user yoggi: Maybe, the in-game screenshots of the changes?


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Anancy: thanks (˘⌣˘)
44: what screenshoot did you want? You know, the changes I mentioned need to be experienced
JaSTeRoN: thanks (˘⌣˘)


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Oh, it's so cool! Like.
I like it!



scrins pls



Pretty nice.
I like it!
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