These last days, a bunch of people reached me asking for the map voting script I use on my Ares servers. As I'm a selfish persorn, I came here to send them Suprise's map voting script instead but, unfortunately, it got removed from the file archive (he accidentally dragged his HARDPORN folder inside the script ZIP and stuff).
For some reason, today, the sun smiled at me and I decided to upload the one I use in my servers here.
It is very simple, customizable and was made to support any other script with the fewer amount of edits as possible.
To install the script, firstly, you will need place the mapvote.lua and maplist.cfg files on the sys/lua/ directory. Afterwards, you'll need to open server.lua with a text editor and write this on its first line:
To configure the map list, you simply need to open the maplist.cfg file with a text editor and add/remove maps.
After completing the setup the mapvote script is ready to use. To start a mapvoting poll, you need to type !votemap.
It's highly recommended to you to use [Yank] Bass Powertool (Admin Script) (36) to prevent bugs and such as it was made to support it by 100%
If your server serveractions (F1, F2 or F3 buttons) are already occupied, don't worry, the script will automatically adapt himself to them so it will work without the need of changing anything.
Be sure that the script dofile is on the first line of your server.lua!
If you want a feature to be added, changed or removed, be sure to comment about it !
That's it, see you arround.
edited 16×, last 12.08.17 09:10:04 pm
Approved by Yates
3 kb, 1,030 Downloads