
> > CS2D > Skins/Sprites > Pointer like it is in CS 1.6 (4 colors)
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English Pointer like it is in CS 1.6 (4 colors) >

21 comments8 kb, 878 Downloads

old Pointer like it is in CS 1.6 (4 colors)

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This pointer created as *.png for using alpha channel(transparency) to add some effects like as glowing and shading.
Also, i use smooth gradient for this bright saturated color.
This is done so that pointer has not been lost on overly dark or light background.

It is very simple, convenient and look similar to original. So i think you will like it.

• Extract one or all files (4) from archive to gfx folder
• Delete original file pointer.bmp or rename it
• Select one file with desired color
• Rename this file to pointer.bmp
edited 7×, last 08.10.20 07:38:04 am
Approved by Infinite Rain

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8 kb, 878 Downloads


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What's with all these pointers lately?

Looks fine, nothing too fancy. I actually made a similar one for myself.
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