Please use the new version
Script remade in 2023: No more ugly code bugs
Still to fix: Nightvision bug and skin transfere.
Feel free to use or edit.
This is the release of a new script which allows you to control a bot whenever you are dead (pretty much the same as in CS:GO).
Thank you,

Spectate a bot and press F2 (serveraction 1). You will spawn with all stats and weapons the bot had. (means: bot will die and you will respawn)
All kills and statchanges you get in this round while controling a bot will be issue of the bot stats. (means: your stats and the bot stats will be swapped accordingly)
Note: if you save the player score in a .txt file (or similiar) and the player leaves while he is a bot his stats might get corrupted! Please review the bcLeave() hook.
edited 15×, last 16.06.23 02:10:40 am
Approved by EngiN33R
6 kb, 630 Downloads