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26 comments2 kb, 914 Downloads

old Better Unlimited Building

Talented Doge
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I'm here to share my version of unlimited building script, called Better Unlimited Building.

∗ Final version 2017/03/04
Added a small admin-only function to enable server owners set to admin-only fast building.

What does this do?
This simply allow you to fast build, build unlimited buildings, change health, build limit, cost price of buildings. Even you do not use unlimited building or fast building, you can still use it to change the health, limit and price of buildings.

Fast build doesn't cost money and has no limit!
That's the point of this script. This script can be modified to have limit and cost money for building while fast build is on.I've already checked other scripts, they don't limit buildings when fast build is ON.

How about the code? Is it messy?
I think it's clean and easy to be read enough. I'm not sure what do you think about it.

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edited 26×, last 11.08.18 11:25:40 pm
Approved by Starkkz

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if u can build one turrets change 1 turrets by 999 like me in the script

old WTF

User Off Offline

dude you can't say you can do unlimited building and i can build only one turret it needs more work and it makes the game bad


BANNED Off Offline

Its just bad , it needs more work my brother can make like this , I think somepepole like Yuki usagi are lazy to make it harder ! U_U ZzZ


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Thanks you saved my life Yuki Usagi
I like it!


User Off Offline

@user Ya_Bogalb: 2 days registered. Obvious double account.


User Off Offline

@user Ya_Bogalb: Give critical and usefull feedback instead of posting in every file of user Talented Doge how bad his work should be.

You seem like a clone of user MaxmyA_TN . No english skills, bad behaviour...


BANNED Off Offline

Easy script not enought for a like !


User Off Offline

unlimiteed buildings i comiing!!
I like it!


User Off Offline

Seems nice,have a like!

Good job!
I like it!


Talented Doge
User Off Offline

user Yates didn't comment anything bad, he pointed the fact out.

old @ZxC

User Off Offline

No, I not say it to Yuki Usagi or Yates
edited 1×, last 17.06.15 04:18:34 pm


Moderator Off Offline

Good day. I am proud to introduce something fascinating.
BETTER "Better Unlimited Building"
which adds more readability √
Here it is. Also, stop with The Capital Letter Writing Everywhere >

Nice script.
Spoiler >
I like it!


Moderator Off Offline

@user DaisukeOno: Did he said bad comments? Better you should refrain your post and thinking before. What he said is just all facts,I don't see any bad comment from him.

File: It may look simple but is quite good somehow, not bad at all.


Talented Doge
User Off Offline

I want only credit if my code has been published etc. If they would do anything to mine I wouldn't mind, instead I'd be glad for they using it.


Reviewer Off Offline

You're not protecting anything though. Anyone could do whatever they want because CC is crap.
I like it!
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