
Simply extract it to the game folder.

You may only use it with the dedicated server. On Windows, Counter-Strike2D.exe does not start when it finds DLL(s) on it's working directory.

The configuration file is stored at mods/ftp/ftp_config.cfg.
ftp_config.cfg has written
ftp localip [YOUR VPS'S IP HERE]
ftp transferspeed [TRANSFER SPEED/20ms]
ftp start
ftp localip [YOUR VPS'S IP HERE]
ftp transferspeed [TRANSFER SPEED/20ms]
ftp start
Note: You may run "ftp start" at the end of the configuration file.
Another note: The default address is, and the transfer speed is 256 bytes/20ms (You might want to reduce the transfer speed).
Yet another important note: The FTP server will need to create more sockets for passive uploads, those sockets will be temporal and they will be closed when the upload/download is complete.

The users file is stored at mods/ftp/ftp_users.cfg
ftp_users.cfg has written
[User] [Password] [Path]
Example has written
Testusername15 TestpaSSWord30 /
Apple Pie /maps
Apple Pie /maps

ftp adduser [name] [password] (Adds a login account)
ftp remuser [name] (Removes a login account)
ftp userpath [name] [path] (Sets a user's working directory)
ftp port [port] (Sets the FTP port)
ftp localip [ip] (Sets the server's passive IP address)
ftp transferspeed [speed] (Sets the server's upload speed)
ftp start (Starts the FTP server)
ftp stop (Stops the FTP server)

Just LuaSocket, it is already installed on this upload.
EDIT: The script has been updated and adapted to the mod distribution, LuaFileSystem is no longer necessary.
edited 5×, last 17.05.16 07:11:49 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain
129 kb, 587 Downloads