Hey guys, today I want to show you my and HumayunJ`s game. It top-down shooter based on CS2d gameplay, will be avalible both for PC and Android crossplatform play. That game is free to play. Finally we reached the point we can start open alpha test for all users interested in. We past many shit and troubles, but keeping to work!
This is Counter-Strike 2d for Android, you`re waited for years.
Alpha 1
Game has been rewrote from scratch
Most of graphics and sounds has been replaced
Fully working multiplayer between PC and Android users
New interface
17 new weapons (!) with their own stats, prices etc.
Added 4 new maps
Added training offline mode with bots
Lightning (temporary) removed due to perfomance issues
Temporary removed grenades
Added different particles and effects
Version for iOS will be when there will be enough money to buy license.
DC - for encourage us to make our own game and for his awesome overused dust tiles.
(I think I can upload ths game here because it related to CS2d and US community by 100%)
By community and for community
edited 32×, last 21.07.18 02:23:40 am
Approved by Sparty
16.09 mb, 8,294 Downloads