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English Extended Wrapper >

5 comments9 kb, 647 Downloads

old Extended Wrapper

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This is an updated version of the LUA-Wrapper.

Added functions >

The ZIP-Archive contains 3 files:
wrapperExt.lua: Contains only the new functions.
wrapper.lua: Merged out of the original wrapper.lua and the wrapperExt.lua
CS2DWrapper.lua: llike wrapper.lua, but cs2d is used as namespace for the functions [user Avos' idea]

updates here
edited 12×, last 22.05.19 09:00:13 pm
Approved by DC

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9 kb, 647 Downloads


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@user Avo: thanks for the suggestion, i added a file with the namespace


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It is a good file. It would be even better if all functions were in one namespace, so they can be called like
I like it!


User Off Offline

@user Mami Tomoe: thanks for reporting the error i've fixed it

I had created the file at some point and thought, like you, that someone might find it useful and can save time.
In addition, I think if there is already a wrapper file, it should be complete


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@user Mami Tomoe: If it's useful for others it's a good file.

Also a wrapper makes sense because it's less error prone than calling parse directly. Also many people still don't seem to understand how string concatenation in Lua works and do entirely wrong or useless stuff like
. This nonsense could be reduced with wrappers.

The overhead is absolutely negligible.


Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

Now here's a good question: This file took about 10 minutes to create thus is not a good file, but it is a file that someone might find useful...

What conquers what, usability or time of creation?

Also one of your functions is named bot_freez instead of bot_freeze.

FILE: I'd personally stick to parse, uses less memory (no extra function, just a line) and is mostly fail-proof.
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