It's a bomb defuse 5v5 map based on csgo's de_vertigo.
I tried keeping it as original as possible, but it's from a different game so changes had to be made so it fits 2D's playstyle. But overall the map layout is very identical to the csgo version.
All tiles & sprites were made by me (except spot.bmp).
Please don't claim it as yours & edit it without permission
Feel free to use it on your server
Update 1.1:
CT spawn got moved to the right
A gap has been added to the wall on T spawn for Terrorist to reach A site faster, spawn points slightly adjusted
T side teleports got moved closer
reworked shadows
"bridge" got moved down(now it's more centered)
ladder room got smaller by 1 tile
signs indicating where bomb sites are got more visible (& I added more, so people who haven't played the map before can navigate better)
updated pictures!
by Blaise
edited 7×, last 30.03.21 02:27:13 pm
Approved by DC
109 kb, 604 Downloads