
> > CS2D > Maps > de_factory
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English de_factory >

6 comments229 kb, 388 Downloads

old de_factory

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"a new map! with every gfx file by me, and some chinese sign and office style."--lilifire

-This map is more like a office space not a factory, its chinese name is "de_巨神工业区";
-This map is disign for 5v5 match, but is still pretty good for more player;
-I made the tiles, backgrounds & map files, I used Photoshop to make tiles;
-There are many details related to this map but not important*.

-You can upload this map on your servers if like it;
-You can remake this map and add some text in "de_factory.txt", but don't change the original text or delete this tile;
-You CAN use any sprites/tiles from this map, but I hope you can indicate original author.

not important details: >

In the end, thanks for every Comment, you guys cool, it is my first map, but it shouldn't be the last one. Thank you for your support ;>
edited 3×, last 08.12.21 02:30:39 pm
Approved by Gaios

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229 kb, 388 Downloads


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The Uplink Experiment
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The map has a pretty clean design, so it's easy to see what you are shooting at and what's going on. It worked well with bots from the rounds I played, which is kind've uncommon. This map is pretty good, I'd recommend it.
I like it!


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yeah...about this bakcground(skybox), I try to Use gaussian blur effect, becouse I hope player can play this map like they are inside a tall buildings, like de_vertigo in cs:go. But this doesn't looks good actually
thanks a lot for every preview, you guys cool

(I upload a mapexport right now, 1:4)


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Here's the screenshot of the whole map. Sorry, the default CS2D tool which is designed to create huge screenshots does not display the background (in-game there are some strange smooth things).


All I did is just open this map in the map editor, I didn't play it but it looks good.
I like it!


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I dont like the skybox (the out-of-map texture) but beside that, it looks good!
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

where screenshots
edited 1×, last 07.12.21 07:19:06 pm
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