Released: 20/05/2010
Version: 1.0 (alpha)
33 levels
each level needs level*level ratio xp
each level you get a new weapon
7 new extra items
2 extras out of 13 can be used in one round
you get jets and helis when killing an amount of people
extra menu to send heli, jets and to get extra ammo
info message on side for new players
info message can be turned off
say commands when not understanding a extra
console commands
extra xp for high kill ammount
extra xp for dominating
extra xp for bombplanting
extra xp for bombdefusing
extra xp for flag capture
msg which informate player
shows level,xp and logged in as in hud
airstrike is able to adapt to map size
this is a old version of the script, here is the new version:
Call of Duty mode Final by Loooser (105)
edited 4×, last 12.11.11 12:40:06 pm
Approved by Sparty
2.33 mb, 951 Downloads