ADS b0.1.1FelixTech User Offline 11.08.10 05:38:14 pm Advanced Dedicated Server with three options on, off and restart server done in batch and compiled. edited 1×, last 11.08.10 09:17:27 pm Approved by Sparty (10.07.16 05:35 am) Download 424 kb, 558 Downloads
FelixTech User Offline 19.02.11 03:08:00 pm My folder with the source code is lost on the computer. I will find and update ok!
maycao User Offline 12.02.11 02:53:58 am eh pretty good the problem is that eh cs version 1.7 to version 1.8 of now eh makes for version 1.8 aew I like it!
Crazyx User Offline 11.08.10 08:13:12 pm Really good! Oh and, by the way, in proper English a correct name would be "Advanced Dedicated Server". Your syntax smells like Portuguese. Just warning. I like it!