dm_Forest battleAura User Offline 30.11.09 02:02:32 am (This is my first Counter-Strike mod map!) This map is for the CStrike mod whare you can get hear! (fixed link) There are 25 enemys for you to kill, good luck! edited 1×, last 28.12.10 05:43:59 pm Approved by DC (02.12.15 10:12 pm) Download 36 kb, 1,507 Downloads
Surplus User Offline 27.12.10 10:05:04 am @jessetheduck Jesus.. another child in our forums. THIS IS JUST A MAP! @The Upload Nice. But it could be better. I like it!
DannyDeth User Offline 14.12.10 11:40:35 am @TimeQuest: He did put it in "mod maps" category so yes it is a map for a mod Bu nice map, very fun I like it!
TimeQuesT User Offline 28.11.10 08:18:52 pm this isn't a mod! this is a map for a mod that an other user made! I like this map and i think it's very good. I like it!