ServermsgFiNEX User Offline 10.11.10 08:23:54 pm Its a message that will be move to the right side. Install: Put the file servermsg.lua in the lua folder. Then write this line in the server.lua: 1dofile("sys/lua/servermsg.lua") Have Fun Approved by Sparty (27.02.16 12:19 pm) Download 159 kb, 1,398 Downloads
SilentDash User Offline 08.02.11 07:50:04 pm nice leon this is a very good idea! but not perfekt I like it!
FiNEX User Offline 07.02.11 10:12:20 pm yes i know but you must have the idea to create something like this
Slayerwllpku User Offline 07.02.11 05:02:57 am Doesn't work this is crap -.- Dude you should really fix this
miracreis BANNED Offline 02.02.11 06:40:59 pm Lua Fashion History And More Forum Pre-Shared Locked Visit
Obey138 User Offline 13.11.10 08:38:47 pm lol. Don`t work. I writed some sentences and it don`n work! FAIL
HaRe User Offline 10.11.10 08:30:27 pm Theres already an script made by Snake-eater ..... wich is better, you can edit the textin the server if ur admin.
Rainoth Moderator Offline 10.11.10 08:26:08 pm Very Good. I saw this at one server 2 months ago but there wasnt such script +1 download Dont post (min 20 chars) Sorry for writing that I like it!