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English Paint Lua >

41 comments4 kb, 677 Downloads

old Paint Lua

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Lua have :
+turn on , off paint
+choose color for paint,this color use to paint table,circle,star too
+have 5 color : red,green,blue,yellow,grey
+Eraser (use color in Paint of you CHoose)
+Fill With Color < this is very cool
ANd more

Img 1 : Paint table
Img 2 : He is Painting (he turn on Paint) , run to pain
Img 3 : Paint circle and some star
Img 4 : Fill Background to Blue Color

this have some function of program pain
Ex : -circle
-Fill with Color (Fill in BackGround)

Good luck and have fun in my lua!

Special Thanks User Name : √Danny Delh (Help fix lua and give some infomation VERY COOL)
                √Yatamo (help test lua and find bugs)
+Some image (I make for lua and add in maps)

√ I Make Some Image in Lua (Image star,dark,table,circle)
√ I Test lua and it Ok
√ Said to your friends
You can :
√ Download it
√ Use it and have fun
√ Edit image in lua,NO EDIT LUA < I HATE edit my lua
√ Not Say It You !

us My usgn : 20157
yahoo : - Email address (only visible with login) -
or - Email address (only visible with login) -
can Pm me to make lua or maps
we are Crash Zone Clan
edited 2×, last 12.11.11 12:39:16 pm
Approved by Sparty

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Very good, heocon!
And thanks for calling me/my infomation cool..?

It's different form the original version I saw, nice work
Although it isn't really useful, it's inventive.
4/5 - Very Good
I like it!
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