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81 comments13 kb, 846 Downloads

old CS2D 3D player templates

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CS2D 3D Player Templates Version 1.0

Ok for the record these are not meant to be used for immediate game play. They are
only tools for skin makers to make 3D like players and weapons. I have removed 99%
of all the errors and for all intensive purposes these are complete.

"""NOTE""" That these are Right handed player models only !!! I cant make them work
for both left and right handed setting due to the limits of the current CS2D player
GFX format.

Make sure that the right handed player option in the option menu is checked as other
wise the rifle template ive included wont be held correctly.

Oh yea and ive included a sample rifle template of the m4a1 to use as a scaling tool
while making custom 3D weapons. It includes the m4a1, m4a1_d, and m4a1_silenced models but this can be renamed for any of the weapons in the shotguns, SMGs, Rifles, and MG class weapons.

NOTE that I didn't include pistols as the default CS2D pistols work just fine just move them 3-6 pixels to the right and its a perfect fit.

Also these are the same as the models in mu Half Life 2D pack so this will give people a good idea as to what that will look like in the final product

PLEASE NOTE that the 2nd and last image are not included in the pack. They are only examples of what can be done. Again these are only tools and not for game play.
edited 1×, last 10.08.11 11:33:34 pm
Approved by Seekay

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old @SEAL Team 6

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If you may use my "Grunts" Operatives for the detailed parts. I also used his templates..
I like it!

old @ Phenixtri:

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Anyway I'm making my 3D template player model, and I don't get the hand part, It was confusing me where was the fingers, palm and the hand.
I like it!


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Too good enough to comment.
I like it!


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good skins ! I like it ! rate 555555555/5
I like it!


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Awesome. Just one word can describe this. Might give it a try.
I like it!


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They are still being made and will be release after I finish them. This may take some time since im swamped with work for other mods like Black Ops Source, Half Life 2D, & my new collaboration mod Yume Nikki 3D just to name a couple things.


User Off Offline

Ok, thanks, but where's the other weapons?
I like it!


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indeed so long as you give me credits for the original you can do what ever the hell you want with this file & its contents.

old @SEAL Team 6

Reviewer Off Offline

As long you've gave him the credits.
I like it!

old Hey!

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Anyway can I use the weapon templates (Only the in-hand images) to make mine?
I like it!


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The next version of my player templates will have slightly shorter arms thanks to constructive criticism from Yates and others.

I will also include more sample weapon templates which will be as follows.

Sniper Rifle
RPG, Grenade, & Rocket Launcher
Throw able weapons such as grenades, Molotov, snowballs, mines, exc.

I may also include bomb, defuse kit, and armor examples.


User Off Offline

Cool and Nice Skin
I like it!


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I cant make any textured version atm since im busy with making them for HL2D as well as working with the Black Ops Source Dev team on modDB.

Also how am I an idiot? BTW Baka = idiot so again WTF did I do to deserve that?

As for the limitations im gona try to pitch a better version of this IE custom player format with 8 poses instead of 6 to DC that is compatible with both the old version of CS2D as well as my player templates. Hopefully in the future he agrees to it for a future version of CS2D like 2.0 onwards.


BANNED Off Offline

Awesome, can you make another colors ?
I like it!

old @tons

Reviewer Off Offline

You are one of the most.. Uh.. Wait... There are no words that is suitable for you..

I like it!


User Off Offline

Well, I think the layout and style is really nice. But due to the limitations I don't think I'll be using this as a base. However, since you clearly stated the limitations and such, I'll give you 5/5 because I like that you are trying to add some style to the player skins.
I like it!

old :D

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I read your description and I took 1 hour to read everything! wow!

you are very intelligent!

and it's magnifique skin!
I like it!


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Yea in the future ill add a sample pistol and maybe some other weapons like the flamethrower and RPG to help with skins and mods that use my templates.


User Off Offline

Perfect. No more, do you a future? ;b
I like it!


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Ive tried that already. I can easily move all the weapons and players to the right but i cant move the bullets / tracer effect so the end result is the bullets spawning mid air to the left of the guns and it looks shitty.

Also the main limitation is that it can only be used for right handed players. The limit is that the default CS2D players only have 1 pose for hand guns next to the zombies pose "the middle 2 images" on the player gfx files. so thus if you turn left handed player mode on in the options it will break the skins and the hand guns, grenades, meallee weapons exc will be floating in mid air instead of being held correctly.


As for making these as usable skins for you CS2D you are going to need MS paint,, Gimp 2.0, or Photoshop on your computer.

open the GFX -> player folder and open with any of the above programs either CT 1-4, T 1-4, or VIP .bmp images.

Texture them as you like and then copy and paste the images into your CS2D -> gfx -> players folder

NOTE that you are going to have to remake / reposition all of the weapons to fit the new players.

Pistols are the easiest since you just have to move them about 3-6 pixels to the right in their .bmp images.

Also note that you only have to do this to the player hold images of the weapons so look for the .bmp images in the gfx/weapons folder only labeled as ak47 or usp for example.

Dont mess with the images with the ""_d"" or ""_m"" suffix's at the end of the weapons name. until you get the weapons hold images correctly placed and fitted to the new players.

Also to help with the weapon fitting process ive included a sample rifle labeled as m4a1 in the gfx/weapons folder in the down load as its already been shaped to fit the players. Use it as a tool when scaling your own custom weapons and don't forget to add the back ends IE stocks to your weapons if they have them.

Also NOTE that the rifle sample can be used for positioning all weapons excluding the pistols so it can be used for the shotguns, sub machine guns, machine guns, flame thrower "just add the fuel tanks on the back or on the weapon it self, laser, exc.

Default grenades, meallee weapons, and other throwable weapons also work but id recommend also moving their hold images for a better result.
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