I upload here a demoversion
Don't EDIT.
You must join CT,
because the map has a bag.
If you Join Ter, game will closed.
Extract to your path with cs2d.
Example: C:\games\counter strike 2d\
The map will be boring, because forum have a bad rules.
Now finding soundtrack's for this map.
You proffesional agent, Joe.
You kill bad people, who doesnot want to obey law.
You will have to sweat.
This is not ordinary mission.
This is not cs_school.
edited 1×, last 30.08.11 07:27:44 am
Declined by GeoB99
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Could someone explain to me what in the fuck is this map all about?
Could someone explain to me what in the fuck is this map all about?
791 kb, 385 Downloads