I like making maps more than anything, but ya know~ people get bored at some point. Short story shorter, I made a weapon skin- Oh noooes! But please, don't tell me about how bad I suck at shading and all that- I know- however it's my first (!) serious weapon sprite so if you don't have anything nice to say, you may as well shut up.
Well the AA12 barely has any details to use as shading anchor. It's still better than the gradient tool, do you not agree?
Thats why I chose it as a first skin, it has no details whatsoever, guess I should move on to something a little bit more difficult.
I guess that would be a good idea, it needs a kill image too.
Check the link again, it shows a lot more. I know that the mag I made has like 12 rounds but it doesn't really matter.