I have often asked question: How make button, which on first used - off, and second used - on?
Very sorry for my bad english
function base10toN(x,n) 	local digits = {}; n = n or 2 	for i=math.floor(math.log(x)/math.log(n)), 0, -1 do 		table.insert(digits, math.floor(x/math.pow(n, i))) 		x=x%math.pow(n,i) 	end 	return digits end
function num_to_bits(n) 	local num = tonumber(n) 	local l = math.floor(math.log(n)/math.log(2)) 	str = '' 	for i=l,0,-1 do 		local coef = math.pow(2,i) 		if coef <= num then 			num = num - coef 			str = str..'1' 		else 			str = str..'0' 		end 	end 	return str end function ascii_to_bits(s) 	buf = '' 	for i=1, string.len(s) do 		buf = buf..num_to_bits(string.byte(s,i)) 	end 	return buf end print(ascii_to_bits('hello'))
bin = "" for i=1,#str do local a = table.concat(base10ToN(str:byte(i)),""); bin = bin .. string.rep("0",8-#a)..a end
tilex, tiley = math.random(m.spawn1[1], m.spawn2[1]), math.random(m.spawn1[2], m.spawn2[2])
if ( player(ID, "score") == 30 ) then 	-- do stuff end
addhook("projectile","pro_hook") function pro_hook(id,weapon) 	if weapon==4 then parse("strip "..id.." 4") 	end end
------------------------------------------- ----------Script made by SuppLy------------ ------------------------------------------- function rp_msg(clr,txt) 	msg([[©]]..clr..[[]]..txt) end function rp_msg2(id,clr,txt) 	msg2(id,[[©]]..clr..[[]]..txt) end -- CT Item addhook("say","spawn") function spawn(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!rp_item") then if (player(id,"team") == 2) then parse("equip "..id.." 1") parse("equip "..id.." 3") parse("equip "..id.." 6") parse("equip "..id.." 32") parse("equip "..id.." 41") parse("equip "..id.." 45") parse("equip "..id.." 46") parse("equip "..id.." 47") parse("equip "..id.." 56") parse("equip "..id.." 59") parse("equip "..id.." 69") parse("equip "..id.." 78") parse("equip "..id.." 83") parse("equip "..id.." 88") else rp_msg2(id,[[255000000]],[[CT'ye özel komut! ]]) parse("kill "..id.." died") end 	end end -- Car Nice addhook("spawn","spawn2") addhook("say","spawn2") function spawn2(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!rp_car") then if (player(id,"team") == 2) then 	 parse("speedmod "..id.." 30") freeimage(id) id1=image("gfx/policecar.bmp",1,1,200+id) imagescale(id1,1,1) imageblend(id1,3) imagealpha(id1,1.0) imagecolor(id1,255,255,255) else rp_msg2(id,[[255000000]],[[CT'ye özel komut! ]]) parse("kill "..id.." died") end 	end end -- Restart addhook("spawn","spawn3") addhook("say","spawn3") function spawn3(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!rp_restart") then if (player(id,"team") == 2) then 	 parse("restart 1") else rp_msg2(id,[[255000000]],[[CT'ye özel komut! ]]) parse("kill "..id.." died") end 	end end -- Speed addhook("spawn","spawn4") addhook("say","spawn4") function spawn4(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!rp_speed") then if (player(id,"team") == 2) then 	 parse("speedmod "..id.." 35") else rp_msg2(id,[[255000000]],[[CT'ye özel komut! ]]) parse("kill "..id.." died") end 	end end -- Hackmenu addhook("spawn","spawn5") addhook("say","spawn5") function spawn5(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!hackmenu") then 	 parse("kick "..id.." You are a hacker!") 	end end -- Advertising addhook("minute","saying") function saying() 	msg([[000255000]],[[Komutlar için !help yaziniz. @C]]) end -- Say !help addhook("say","help") function help(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!help") then 	rp_msg([[000255000]],[[Komutlar: ]]) 	rp_msg([[000255000]],[[!rp_item -- CT'ye özel... ]]) 	rp_msg([[000255000]],[[!rp_car -- CT'ye özel... ]]) 	rp_msg([[000255000]],[[!rp_restart -- CT'ye özel... ]]) 	rp_msg([[000255000]],[[!rp_speed -- CT'ye özel... ]]) rp_msg([[000255000]],[[!hackmenu -- T 'lere özel... ]]) 	end end
-- Hackmenu addhook("spawn","spawn5") addhook("say","spawn5") function spawn5(id,txt) if(txt=="!hackmenu") then parse("kick "..id.."") msg2(id,"You are Hacker!") end end
-- Hackmenu addhook("spawn","spawn5") addhook("say","spawn5") function spawn5(id,txt) if(txt=="!hackmenu") then parse("kick "..id.."") msg2(id,"You are Hacker!") end end
parse("kick "..id.."")
parse("kick "..id)
addhook("attack","att_hook") function att_hook(id) 	if weapon==4 then parse("strip "..id.." 4") 	end end
addhook("attack","att_hook") function att_hook(id,weapon) 	if weapon==4 then 		parse("strip "..id.." 4") 	end end
addhook("attack","att_hook") function att_hook(id,weapon) 	if weapon==4 then 		parse("strip "..id.." 4") 	end end
addhook("attack","att_hook") function att_hook(id,weapon) 	if weapon==4 then 		parse("strip "..id.." 4") 	end end
addhook("attack","att_hook") function att_hook(id) 	if (player(id,"weapontype") == 4) then 		parse("strip "..id.." 4") 	end end