Items: So far there are branches, iron, stones, meat, fried meat, fish, fried fish, sheaf, grain, flour, paste, bread, logs, vine, spear, hammer, scythe, gold, cord, wool/cotton, fishing rod, net, and axe.
Skills: There is cooking, hunter, planting, and fishing.
Objects: There are banana palms, coconut palms, cacao trees, trees, iron rocks, gold rocks, rocks, cotton plants, grain, and a campfire.
Units: There are monkeys, turtles, and sheep.
Etc.: There are fishing spots, water, a little box that serves as an inventory and a spot to show your skills.
Let me know if there is anything else you want me to include. I apologize for my bad grammar. This game is currently in development and will only be released with DC's permission.
EDIT: Name changed. Thanks to UnIdEnTiFiEd for the name.
edited 1×, last 01.01.11 11:10:23 am