Off Topic How to recover a fileHow to recover a file
10 replies 1
tommorow i will put the names here
why you dont use the windows recover ?
Go to Star / All Programs / Access
select the windows recover
But, just in case you deleted a file, and deleted it from your recicle bin, there is a program that is the solution to all my deleting problems, Softperfect File Recovery
some times
i make some maps 2-3 hours
and the pc shutdown Suddenly
Recuva is freeware from a company called Piriform. I personally use their CCleaner, Recuva, Defraggler and Speccy software.
J4x has written
Like a not-so-wise man once said,, need some help over here, i was making a cs2d skin ans i accidentaly saved the drop image as the buy image, so i want to know if there is some way to recover my buy image.
But yah, this program works fine:
Stupid solution Google some magical fix thingy