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Englisch Deleted Posts

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alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

user Jawohl hat geschrieben
user Yates hat geschrieben
user UnIdEnTiFiEd hat geschrieben
DannyDeth, your intentionally making this thread off topic, you actually have nothing better to do than troll on other peoples threads and insult them? Pathetic

Excuse me, since when is it not allowed to give our meaning?
Sure, you don't like it but does he give a fuck!? NO! Just bloody ask what you should do to make it better. Maybe then I would like playing this more than watching a fucking cows arse.

YOU, are pathetic. Accept (My bad, I said except instead of accept) that people have meanings.


Erhmm.. And who the fuck are you? Another idiot that thinks he is smart. Go play with your little boring game and stop being a brain-less fuck with your retarded replies.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

user Jawohl hat geschrieben
ether way he was being an asshole like almost every one who said crap

Your game is SHIT. Get that in your head YOU NEED TO MAKE IT BETTER.
For fuck sake stop complaining and get to work! Maybe then, we wouldn't be arseholes.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

BANNED Off Offline

user 3RROR hat geschrieben
Isn't Yates, we need to talk?
Nah i'm joking.

By the way. I' hate peapole who flames about my grammar cause' i'm still trying to learn
Also, is it possible to make some irony?

Yeah, your grammar sucks.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user FlooD hat geschrieben
user ohaz hat geschrieben
This thread is a good idea, but I don't think it's going to help. The guys who flame and do everything you talk about won't even read it. And if they really read it, they won't do what you said.


would be more useful to tell people how to respond to assholes

Maybe if those assholes didn't comment or quote your posts, you wouldn't have to respond.

Oh and Yates is always on his period, you should get it checked out.

Your game is SHIT. Get that in your head YOU NEED TO MAKE IT BETTER.
For fuck sake stop complaining and get to work! Maybe then, we wouldn't be arseholes.

All of that flame towards a simple post.
ether way he was being an asshole like almost every one who said crap

Oh and what's the bet i'll get flamed? lol.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user Yamaxanadu hat geschrieben
Habib, if you don't quit that Vigilantism, i am going to rip your heart out through your ass and show you how Vigilante it is before you die

.....Annnd that's what you get for saying you won't get flamed, really, It's a Ticket to ask for a Flamethrower in your general direction

Haha really? go ahead and try, i'll fuck you up. If only you were as tough in real life and come visit me as you are over the internet.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user miRRR hat geschrieben
Explain why I have the full version for free then? It's illegal to prove pirated links on this website though, so I cant share it.

Who buys Fraps is a moron. You are a smart dude, like me.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user medeiros hat geschrieben
Who buys Fraps is a moron. You are a smart dude, like me.

Yeah, fuck paying for things. I, like everybody else, deserves to have them for free.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user miRRR hat geschrieben
user Yamaxanadu hat geschrieben
Habib, if you don't quit that Vigilantism, i am going to rip your heart out through your ass and show you how Vigilante it is before you die

.....Annnd that's what you get for saying you won't get flamed, really, It's a Ticket to ask for a Flamethrower in your general direction

Haha really? go ahead and try, i'll fuck you up. If only you were as tough in real life and come visit me as you are over the internet.

I guess you will bring bombs habbib xD.

On topic:

Why did you even make this thread?

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user Doberman hat geschrieben
user medeiros hat geschrieben
Who buys Fraps is a moron. You are a smart dude, like me.

Yeah, fuck paying for things. I, like everybody else, deserves to have them for free.

Yeah! Like cracked Frap-oops. *runs away*

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

Moderator Off Offline

user Lee hat geschrieben
it never receives data.

Lee, the last part call me the attention because I tested it with an external client (in blitzmax). And seem to be working, now I just have to define the message types and I can make an external player for Lua. I think everything is working fine

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user Doberman hat geschrieben
user medeiros hat geschrieben
Who buys Fraps is a moron. You are a smart dude, like me.

Yeah, fuck paying for things. I, like everybody else, deserves to have them for free.



alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user Aythadis hat geschrieben
user Doberman hat geschrieben
user medeiros hat geschrieben
Who buys Fraps is a moron. You are a smart dude, like me.

Yeah, fuck paying for things. I, like everybody else, deserves to have them for free.



Haha lol'd at the second one.

On topic= I use fraps, it's awesome

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user DC hat geschrieben
@Ice-cream16: Excuse me while the weight of my sarcasm is greater than that of a blackhole's gravitational pull at infinity.


alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user DannyDeth hat geschrieben
BSD and Linux. Windows get's pwnd by Linux and Mac OS is based on FreeBSD.

Take that, you horribly over-priced corporations.

Your mom is Linux. Windows PWN all OS's.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

BANNED Off Offline


> How to get it!?
Write me a PM with "I want the super brand new building hack!!!" and I send it to you.

> How is it made!?
With Python, some little changes on the executionable and some DLL injection.

> How does it work?
I give the files to you. You just run CS2D.exe then. After the loading screen, you join a server. And then try to build something. It'll rapidly shine up and will not take away cash from you!!!

> Are there no limitations?
There is only one - it does sadly only work on your own server made with "New Server".

@Death13: Your knowledge is incorrect. Nuff said.

alt geschlossen Re: Deleted Posts

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user Nem hat geschrieben
user uty206 hat geschrieben
user Nem hat geschrieben
user uty206 hat geschrieben
ok sps for all of you take a cookie cookie
and yes its for CS2D

sps ? it must be thx and do i am only one who see russian signature on him ?

But Im Russian...and?
you got something against?
becauze..oh never mind

I am russian too, and as i remember, better to say 'so', not 'and'.
Thats 50% english forum, other languages are forbidden, so what the point to put rus signature here ?

Its just mitake so...
RUS:а ну тогда это всё меняет!
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