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Englisch CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

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I love it!!!
59,00% (154)
It's nice.
9,96% (26)
It's okay...
2,68% (7)
hmm.. it's not so good
1,15% (3)
it's very bad. I don't like it.
4,60% (12)
I prefer to use the original editor.
22,61% (59)
261 Stimmen abgegeben

alt Re: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

User Off Offline

I'm definitely going to check this out. I can use this offline right? I don't like people watching me work on a level, or going and changing sh*t on me... even though I could lock it, but I don't always have internet access with my wireless, so I'm just making sure it works fine without an internet connection.

alt Re: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

User Off Offline

Yah, I tried to do this offline. It won't let me work on maps. I can't do anything with this program offline.

If you update this, make it so you can use it offline please. I want to use these features, just not having to go online just so someone can come along and f*ck around with my work. (I've had it happen twice to me, and I was only on for not even a minute!) So yah, my theory of me hating everyone is far true (thus far).

alt Re: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

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user Starkkz hat geschrieben
Can you update the Env_NPC entity?. I would like to see NPCs in this program, it's really cool.

I find out, that ENV_NPC don't work right (missing health and entity update function is wrong). So there's a bug. I'll fix it today and update it like the new version. Thanks.


alt Re: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

Moderator Off Offline

Yes, heres a null bar. And the "OK" is locked, it doesn't allow to change the password

Edit: Klin, can you put 2 powers more?
1.- close the server
2.- load a map installed

alt Re: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

User Off Offline

It's a textfield. You've to reenter your password in this "empty bar". Then the "OK" button is unlocked. Hmm.. I think, I have to add a description on each textfield.

It's a textfield. You've to reenter your password in this "empty bar". Then the "OK" button is unlocked. Hmm.. I think, I have to add a description on each textfield.


1. Hmm.. not a bad idea.
2. allready in my todo list

alt Re: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

Moderator Off Offline

Oh I didn't notice that it was a textfield, I think that the best thing that you can use to identify a text field is adding that typical "|" character at the end of the current text field.

Also about the first, I was requesting this because a friend is hosting it for his clan, and he haven't any idea to close his server. (It's hosted in a VPS company for linux)

alt Re: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

It looks really nice, I hope more people will get this active and we can see some servers running. If it's possible maybe add a 'test map' feature? Probably not since you would have to actually make cs2d's client built into this...and it's not a game, it's a live mapper

alt Re: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

User Off Offline

No, because it's not really needed. I created lots of maps before and I never created entitys outside of the map. I don't guess , that it is so important.


alt Re: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

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user Klin hat geschrieben
No, because it's not really needed. I created lots of maps before and I never created entitys outside of the map. I don't guess , that it is so important.


Creating entites outside the map is almost useless. I mean, if you do create a lot of entities outside the map and you want to see them on mini-map , you can't. Then if you forget which entity to edit, you'll have to check each of them.

People should create entities only inside the map.

@Server: I thought of hosting a public live mapmaking server. I'll work on the database and host it soon.

alt Re: CounterStrike2D Live Mapper [ALPHA]

Moderator Off Offline

Klin, something went wrong. Last time I sent a request to save the map, and it didn't save it. Seem that it saved only the first time, the other part of my map is lost.
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