I read his Script but i didn't understand very well.
I Want a Script that the players can Jump Obstacles when a ServerAction is Pressed.
Air_Speed = 3 Air_Timer = 2500 PAir_Timer = {} PSpeed = {} function Millisecs() 	return os.clock() * 1000 end addhook("always","Always") function Always() 	for _, id in pairs(player(0,"table")) do 		if Millisecs() - PAir_Timer[id] <= 0 then 			local rad = math.rad(player(id,"rot")) 			local x = player(id,"x") + math.sin(rad) * Air_Speed 			local y = player(id,"y") - math.cos(rad) * Air_Speed 			if not tile(math.floor(x/32),player(id,"tiley"),"wall") then 				parse("setpos "..id.." "..x.." "..player(id,"y")) 			end 			if not tile(player(id,"tilex"),math.floor(y/32),"wall") then 				parse("setpos "..id.." "..player(id,"x").." "..y) 			end 		else 			if PSpeed[id] and PSpeed[id] == -100 then 				PSpeed[id] = 0 				parse("speedmod "..id.." 0") 			end 		end 	end end addhook("use","Jump") function Jump(id) 	PAir_Timer[id] = Millisecs() + Air_Timer 	PSpeed[id] = -100 	parse("speedmod "..id.." -100") end