Admin system
License System
Vip System
Vip island*
Vip shop/weapons to buy
CT's level/admins-
Owner lvl6
Clan leader lvl5
SuperAdmin lvl4
Admin lvl3
Admin lvl2
Mod(ct) lvl1
A Map Based on the mod.
car system
Ct's car
If the player is high inf to do the command
Owner commands- As O
Clan Leader- As CL
SuperAdmin- as Sdm
Admin lvl3-as Adm3
Admin lvl2- as Adm2
Mod-As mod
Every one- As @all
!makect [id] -O+CL
!bring [id] -@all
!bringall- -Sdm+
!makesdm [id] -O
!makeadm [id] -O
!givewpn [id] [wpn id] -Mod+ Higher lvls
!kick [id] - Mod+ higher lvls
!ban [id] -Adm3 + Higher lvls
!Money [id] [1-1000000000000 / INF] -Adm3 and higher
!RemoveLvl [id] -CL+O only
!MakeVip [id] -Sdm+
!Map [Map Name ] -CL + O
!Pass [password] - Owner Only
Commands information-
!MakeCt [id] - Make The player a ct
!bring [id] - Bring the player to you
!bringall - Bring all the players to you
!Makesdm [id] - Make SuperAdmin a player
!Makeadm3 [id] - Make The Player Admin lvl3
!Makeadm [id] - make the player admin lvl2
!Rr [1-5] RoundRestart time
Please try to make the script. i want it so much