Dwarf Fortress is rts/simcity/rpg/roguelike game in which you control a band of dwarves building up a colony in the wilderness, in case you didn't know. In DF learning curve is vertical and game mechanisms are incredibly detailed. Dwarf Fortress had major influence on Minecraft, just to describe what the game is about.
There will be a few bug fix releases during the next few days.
Warning: the game is too hardcore for graphics whores!
Here is how the game looks. http://lparchive.org/Dwarf-Fortress-Boatmurdered/Update%202-20/bigmap_1b.png
If you're interested in this game I suggest you to read fan made lets play diary on an old version of the game. It's a good read and you get good idea about DF.
edited 5×, last 15.02.12 06:05:34 pm