A script as shown
The same goes if you can be on F4 to open and close when you press F4
x=20 -- change y=20 -- gajos=0 addhook("serveraction","gajospl_credits_serveraction") function gajospl_credits_serveraction(id,key) 	if key==3 then 		if gajos==0 then 			parse("hudtxt2 "..id.." 20 "created by:" "..x.." "..y) 			parse("hudtxt2 "..id.." 21 "gajospl" "..x.." "..y+10.."") -- next +20 		end 		if gajos==1 then 			parse("hudtxt2 "..id.." 20 " "") 			parse("hudtxt2 "..id.." 21 " "") 		end 	end end
x=20 -- change y=20 -- gajos=0 addhook("serveraction","gajospl_credits_serveraction") function gajospl_credits_serveraction(id,key) 	if key==3 then 		if gajos==0 then 			parse("hudtxt2 "..id.." 20 "created by:" "..x.." "..y) 			parse("hudtxt2 "..id.." 21 "gajospl" "..x.." "..y+10.."") -- next +20 		end 		if gajos==1 then 			parse("hudtxt2 "..id.." 20 " "") 			parse("hudtxt2 "..id.." 21 " "") 		end 	end end
gajos=0 addhook("serveraction","gajospl_credits_serveraction") function gajospl_credits_serveraction(id,key) if key==3 then if gajos==0 then parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 20 "created by:" 20 20') parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 21 "GajosPL" 20 30') 			 gajos=1 elseif gajos==1 then parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 20 " "') parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 21 " "') 			 gajos=0 end end end
gajos=0 addhook("serveraction","gajospl_credits_serveraction") function gajospl_credits_serveraction(id,key) if key==3 then if gajos==0 then parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 20 "created by:" 20 20') parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 21 "GajosPL" 20 30') 			 gajos=1 elseif gajos==1 then parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 20 " "') parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 21 " "') 			 gajos=0 end end end
function Array(s,v) 	local a = {} 	for i = 1,s do 		a[i] = v 	end 	return a end gajos=Array(32,0) addhook("spawn","gajospl_credits_spawn") function gajospl_credits_spawn(id) gajos[id]=1 	if gajos[id]==1 then 		parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 20 "created by:" 20 20') 		parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 21 "GajosPL" 20 30') 	end end addhook("serveraction","gajospl_credits_serveraction") function gajospl_credits_serveraction(id,key) 	if key==3 then 		if gajos[id]==0 then 			parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 20 "created by:" 20 20') 			parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 21 "GajosPL" 20 30') 			gajos[id]=1 		elseif gajos[id]==1 then 			parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 20 " "') 			parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 21 " "') 			gajos[id]=0 		end 	end end
hud = { 	"SuperHero Help", 	"skip", 	"Author: Blazzingxx", 	"Version: 1.0b", 	"Released: 2010/03/12", 	"skip", 	"===================", 	"skip", 	"Client Commands:", 	"!help", 	"!commands", 	"!myheroes" } function showhud(id) 	local skipped = 0 	for n,w in pairs (hud) do 		local x = 10 		local y = 100 		if w ~= "skip" then 			parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' '..n-skipped..' "'..w..'" 10 '.. 100+(15*(n))) 		else 			skipped=skipped+1 		end 	end end huds={} for a=1,32 do 	huds[a]=true end addhook('join','join') function join(id) 	huds[id]=true 	showhud(id) end addhook('serveraction','serveraction') function serveraction(id,action) 	if action == 3 then 		if huds[id] then 			huds[id]=false 		else 			huds[id]=true 			showhud(id) 		end 	end end
hudfile = "sys/lua/hudf.txt" -- must exists just create a txt file with that name and fill it with a text that will to be showed or just change the directory and do what i said before stats, length = {},{} spaces = 10 for id = 1,32 do stats[id]=false length[id]=0 end addhook("serveraction","sact") function sact(id,act) 	if act==3 then 		if stats[id]==true then 			for line = 1,length[id] do 				parse("hudtxt2 "..id.." txt"..line.." \" \" 0 0") 			end 			stats[id]=false 		elseifif stats[id]==false then 			test = 0 			for line in io.lines(hudfile) do 				test=test+1 				parse("hudtx2 "..id.." txt"..test.." \""..line.."\" 3 "..(110+(spaces*test))) 			end 			length[id]=test 			stats[id]=true 		end 	end end