
itiots and kids
You are an "itiot" and a kid. Why do you hate your own brothers?

D'aaww, you're so cute

Admin/mod comment

frend no kill ok?

admin give laser and armor pls no kill

you = best!

edited 1×, last 10.09.12 02:36:57 pm
Admin/mod comment

What? I barely understand what are you talking about.
many players of cs2d moved to minecraft..
Minecraft is a really popular indie game. Its full of blocks and It is very addicting
but u need to pay for it to get it. or download a cracked version.
if ur bored make some scripts,skins and maps....
for me CS2D is boring.

its a game for kids. hehe.
the way that i can go back to cs2d is its updates.
I started playing cs2d when i was 10 then
I made skins in cs2d when i was 11. I stopped at 12
Edited 3x
edited 1×, last 10.09.12 02:44:51 pm