It's also nice to hear some of your experiences throughout the game. If possible, keep this thread alive for some time.
I've played on roleplay servers, zombies, unlimited build, you name it. Most of the time I play on build servers, I also get a chance to improve my building skills like placing certain buildings in strategic spots or build patterns of a few buildings together. I also build choke spots around so there's only one way for the enemy players to go through. When they try to squeeze through, they get pwned like a nub.
When it comes to weapons, the good old Ak47 or M4A1 is my best friend. It can always kill no matter what. The only problem with weapons is the sniper rifles, I can never get the hang of it. Probably my hand-to-eye coordination failing me. It's also fun to mess up an enemy sniper's aim by running around like a retard.
While playing around in zombie mode, one of the things I do is to grab a M249 and hide in a dark corner and hope that zombies won't discover me. It's a 80% chance that I'll end up eaten by a zombie anyway. There're also a lot of unfair advantages being a zombie since being made 100hp while all the survivors are packing heat ain't easy. So killing a survivor always makes me feel great. If I got a team of survivors stuck together in a corner with heavy weapons, chances are I'll probably survive the zombies. Turrets are hardcore but don't hurt as much as players do.
Roleplay/Happy Town servers, maps varies but I'm just gonna say the one I go there once in a while. One of the most lifeless type of server in CS2D. Doing nothing but to gain cash, then buy some wings. Kill a lot of noobs. Not really the most entertaining of all the servers. Of course, getting killed everytime you respawn ain't really fun either but you gain cash and the killer lose cash. Some servers are the other way around. The best store is the armor store, which is a pain in the ass because everyone wants to get to it first. It'll be a whole new world of pain if the admin comes around checking.
I've also played a lot of escape maps which is awesome. It always feels good after that epic escape from the CTs. There's also a bit of co-op in some maps or just run away from the bad guys, Sometimes it sucks to be pwned by the CTs since they have good gear and and weapons but still there's always a chance the Ts can kill one of the CTs either by using traps or just pure confrontation. Escape maps are awesome either way.
When it comes to prison maps, all I can think of is freekills, freekills, freekills!!! For those that can't get kills in proper matches tend to go to prison servers so they can kill those unarmed Ts with guns. I prefer to be a prisoner when it comes to playing prison. One of the things I found is that you can knife CTs while their typing, which is what people do mostly to CTs. Not really a legit kill but still a good opportunity anyways. Being first time in prison maps you tend not know what to do until many replays of the same map. Not much to say, tend to get frustrated by freekillers and no one to deal with it.
Until next time.
edited 2×, last 30.09.12 04:36:21 am