Making zombies walk slower
Giving zombies a random health amount
Making zombies appear randonly on the map
Zombies respawning after death
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
-- UNTESTED -- zm={} -- <editable values> -- zm.speedmod=-15 -- Speedmod for zombies zm.healthMin=80 -- Min and max extremes of health giver zm.healthMax=120 zm.xPositions={1,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 } -- choices for x and y positions, 2 from the same column are picked randomly, example is 1 and 7 zm.yPositions={7,14,21,28,35} -- because of this, each table must have the same amount of entries zm.defaultSpawnpoint={52,33} -- just put {x,y} of any walkable tile. -- <end of editable values> -- addhook("spawn","zombieSpawn") addhook("die","zombieDie") function zombieSpawn(id) local pos=math.random(1,#xPositions) 	if player(id,"team")==1 then 		parse("setpos "" "..( math.random(1,pos) ).." "..( math.random(1,pos) ) ) -- Spawn at random spot 		parse("speedmod "" " -- Speed 		parse("sethealth "" "..( math.random(zm.healthMin,zm.healthMax) ) ) -- Health 	end end function zombieDie(id) 	if player(id,"team")==1 then 		parse("spawnplayer "" "[1].." "[2]) 	end end
<CS2D INSTALL ROOT>\sys\lua\and put the above in somthing like zombieMod.lua