I believe that Rule 5.3, that prohibits the use of ASCII art, memes or funny pictures should be gone. First of all, in some cases, a picture is worth a thousand words. Sure, it can be abused, but that can be punishable by not exactly deleting the rule but editing it to something like "Stupid pictures aren't allowed, so isn't an excessive use of smart/funny pictures".
It could seriously help some of the users with describing what they feel about threads like http://unrealsoftware.de/forum_posts.php?post=336119#jn , http://unrealsoftware.de/forum_posts.php?post=278189#jn or http://unrealsoftware.de/forum_posts.php?post=335227#jn .
Writing huge posts that describe how we feel about a thread like this, and how the author shouldn't post it and getting a "ME TR FUK UR MOHTER BAN" as a reply can be quite frustrating. In these cases it's better to just post a picture like https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/7/11/YA3M2I3YjEm9jQwIokGnBg2.jpg or http://forthesakeofscience.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/cant-tell-if-stupid-or-trolling.jpg .
Am I right or what? I'd actually like the users to vote on this one. Just please, don't just vote, write something in this thread, like "I vote for" or "I am against that".
Thank you.
To the mods and DC, please let the community vote on this one, at least for a couple of days. After all, we should be listened to as well sometimes.