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Englisch Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

what about an option to always have the thread topic minimized when writing a reply?

seeing the first post of the thread has been there for some time now but I rarely ever need it. instead I more often want to have a look at the most recent replies so the thread topic is kinda in the way.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

> If someone used your nickname or user:id in his message then you will get notification with link on message. This can be disabled in settings.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

Online state if off still displays when I'm playing a game even though it states when activated that it will show you playing. Implying when off that it shouldn't.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Yeah, Super User should have some bright color. I would like to see new users with this user-status, we have new mods, so why don't we have new super-users?

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

I'd like to bring up the idea again that a user has an option for each of his files where he can set whether he wants to receive a notification (via PM or something) when someone else posts a comment at his file.

this way the user can give a fast reply without having to manually check all his files for new comments regularly.

alt Lua Lessons

User Off Offline

Maybe scripters can make some lessons about lua like "Lee,engin33r " etc.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

• Add jabber/XMPP to contact details. This would include Googletalg and many others.
Spoiler >
tl;dr: I'm bored, so Y U NO implement this cool idea, I'm having?

And really? You can't have more than one smiley in one line of text? Couldn't You bump that up to two please? I was very resticted in the writing of this post and had to redo and undo alot of it, because I had *ok* and *notok* in one line and thought the brackets in my example were the cause. RAGE

• Bug: The code tag doesn't conserve whitespace, when options inline or nolines are used
• Add 'Idiot' user title to the Ban section of rules; It kinda belongs there, or is it more of an easter egg?

@limonata: Make a poll with fields of knowledge and let others vote, what they need to know. The chance, some pro scripter sees it and makes a tutorial on some field of those, is higher than You posting here.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user ohaz hat geschrieben
Because you don't get the title "Super-User" without being somebody who uploads huge mods

But if you want to upload something that the archive won't accept because it's too large, I could probably bet that DC would not just give you super user.

I may be wrong, though. As this is my point of view.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

What about expanding screenshot max size up to 200kb? 100 actually a small place, it brings quality down. Even 150 would be better imo. I know about site size in server, but 50 additional kb would not do any bad, would they?

user Yates hat geschrieben
user ohaz hat geschrieben
Because you don't get the title "Super-User" without being somebody who uploads huge mods

But if you want to upload something that the archive won't accept because it's too large, I could probably bet that DC would not just give you super user.

I may be wrong, though. As this is my point of view.

I bet it also needs to be good and worth "Super-user" status.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Another rule "Use tags always when they're needed", becouse people write scripts without "code" tag or put much text without "spoiler" / "more" tag what causes spam.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user Avo hat geschrieben
Another rule "Use tags always when they're needed", becouse people write scripts without "code" tag or put much text without "spoiler" / "more" tag what causes spam.

I saw that thread too. MAH EYES. Im for that idea.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Two diffrent passwords for games and With this one for US should be way to recover this one for games. Wouldn't be comfortable, but even if someone steal your password from *.dat file, you will still have US account secure with way to change that hacked one.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

Having multiple passwords leads to even more confusion and is no acceptable idea.
It's not possible to steal your password unless your entire system is completely insecure.
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