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English Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
I'm not really happy that people post pictures with high end graphics and tell others to imagine SIII to be like that. Better lower you expectations...

gfx? I hope gameplay would be awesome. Only i remember good ol' times with NES/SEGA, DOS games? DooM, anyone?
Their graphic would really SUCK nowadays, but other aspects was gooddamn awesome, such as gameplay & music, so they are still great.
But as far as i know DC and his game, all of them have nice and userfriendly gameplay

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
I'm not really happy that people post pictures with high end graphics and tell others to imagine SIII to be like that. Better lower you expectations...

I think he meaned about graphics, that you were showing. No one is not expecting Stranded III with even an "Far cry" graphics, even not in the "GTA SA" graphics But those screenshots - maded by you, are good enough. Cause "dynamic lights", "real shadows" and all these things makes a game look better, even with the same models and the same count of "poligons"...

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

pirate of island
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dc, you could put more plantations, more levels, more characters in stranded III, more constructions . as characters, don´t forget to put also the characters who already had stranded 2.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user pirate of island has written
dc, you could put more plantations, more levels, more characters in stranded III, more constructions . as characters, don´t forget to put also the characters who already had stranded 2.

Had you ever sawed a sequel to the game with the same (or less) amount of characters???

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user pirate of island has written
dc, you could put more plantations, more levels, more characters in stranded III, more constructions . as characters, don´t forget to put also the characters who already had stranded 2.

That guy is kinda right. More stuff = More thing to do = more awesomness.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user zazz has written
Hope that Stranded III requirements are low, cuz my 32MB Graphic card can't even run cs2d on max.

Are you kiddin' me? lolz.
It won't even run for you because Unity3D requires better graphics card.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user mafia_man has written
It won't even run for you because Unity3D requires better graphics card.

No, it actually doesn't. That's what the requirement page says:
System Requirements for Unity-Authored Content

Windows XP or later; Mac OS X 10.5 or later.
Pretty much any 3D graphics card, depending on complexity.
Online games run on all browsers, including IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, among others

But of course 32 mb is so fucking bad (sorry) that it probably won't be sufficient for SIII.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
It won't even run for you because Unity3D requires better graphics card.

No, it actually doesn't. That's what the requirement page says:
System Requirements for Unity-Authored Content

Are you using Unity!?
If yh in what language are you programming? c sharp?
I thought it was in ogre. =S

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
Simply asking for more is not necessary. It's an obvious thing. Obvious to everyone. Nothing which needs to be said at all.

I allready said the same thing....

(about 32MB GPU...):
WT*??? Even on my VERY old laptop have 64MB (but I guess my NVIDiA GT 620M will be enought to play the game on medium graphics... (hopefully, cause I can run GTA IV allmostly on max....))

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: If you release an alpha, will the multiplayer be added or not? If so, please make it as stable as possible. I would like to see what happens when your Stranded goes multiplayer as lots of new ideas will be booming.
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