Scripts Request:Village Lua Request:Village Lua
7 replies Hi All!
I need you help to create a lua
1.Xp per sec
2.can speak to shopkepper(NPC)
3.can kill monster(but monster cant attack)
4.have inventory:Gold,Iron,Stone,Wood,Food
5.every attack a thing
ex:attack a breakable(use wood tile)get 10 wood or 12 wood ,attack a breakble(use stone tile)get 10 stone or 12 stone
6.every kill a monster get 10 food or 2 gold
7.have Vip License
8.shopkepper(NPC)sell weapon or any items
Thx! lol. Same as my server. you can find it in serverlist. it's Villager Server What the fuck men ? you create Minecraft or Rpg
Nobody will make it for you kid.
Or if you pay some money, he will make it for you. Avo User Offline
Chill out Adi, don´t call him kid only because he asks for something.
At topic: ask someone by pm. There are many good and free scripters. Or search file archive and mix some mods. Or learn Lua, if you're planning on doing anything with modding or CS2D. Give me all your Bitcoin and I will make it. and please make for me a citylife lua with all functions and mod smod trainee ct admin superadmin and hoster