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English RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

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old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Moderator Off Offline

user tek69 has written
How about upgrading weapons?

There's already Enchanting,Gems suggested. Read the threads.

Would it be possible to make caves where you can see very little area ? If you're thinking of it now, I'd also suggest having mages be able to use Illumination which would increase THEIR vision. I don't think it's really hard to do.. Just add a hud img that covers the player's view mostly.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

User Off Offline


Earth Pillar - use RPG for this -> Where RPG exploses,it does a circle around where it exploses in form of explosions

Firewen - Spawns a NPC which attacks everybody near them

Freeze Storm -> use rpg for this -> Where exp exploses,it does a circle around with Snowballs,and it who gets hit by,or is in the field of the spell (mark somehow,lol)gets Slowness + less attack dmg

Candy - outputs in chat "mhh..yummy!"
after 10 uses,outputs "you're getting fat!"

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

User Off Offline

If there's heal-type class then;

> Spells for heal-type class;

• Leech Party > If player will use it when party's ON, then everybody get's Paralysis Resistance(20% or absolute resistance), Bleeding Resistance(same here), and return 1% damages into HP/Mana. It eats mana 2% per second. (Or another high cost of it)

( You can also make it, by split it one by one, for example;
• Bleeding Resistance > For 10 seconds everybody who's in party gets Bleed Resistance. Eats 25% Mana of caster. )

• Stone Skin > Gives buff to player (or players in party) +5(+1 additional defence per caster level. (If caster have 25 level, then it gives +30)) defence for 5 minutes. Costs 200 Mana. Or 5%.

> Spells for physical damage-type class;

• Snake Bites > Costs 5% of mana. Low cooldown ( For example; 10-20 Seconds). Your next physical based attack will ignore 10% of enemy shield/defence.

• Undying Soul > If player have minimum 25% or more current life, sets life to 1% and gives him immortality for 3-5 seconds.

• Art of Madness > There's no limit, no one can stop you! For 5-8 seconds you've resistance to all of negative states. Costs 75% mana.

> Spells for magical damage-type class;

• Clear Mind > Removes all negative states by 50% or Absolute scale, by eating 25% of caster health and mana.

• Art of Yin > Shot Yin energy-ball, and when it hits enemy have 50% of chance to paralysis enemy, and deal bleed-effect damage for 5 seconds, dealing 10-200 health per second.

• Art of Yang > Shot Yang energy-ball, and when it hits enemy deals 100-500 damage (Numbers are example, cause I don't know which level you will use for apply these skills) and have 25% chance to deals additional 100-200 damage.

> Items;

•Dragon Scale > Rare item, which can upgrade your weapon stats, by adding +10% of current item stats. (Can be used only once, or 3 times.)

I know that you don't want more potions, but here's my idea about it:

(#STATE - For example, Health, Mana, Damage, Defence.)

•Knowledge #STATE Potion > Exchanging 10% of max experience, for 20% #STATE for 1 min, if state is damage/defence type.

I hope you'll use something what I wrote here.
Of course you can edit it for your own.
It's just examples.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Deleted User

I have a possible solution on how you should smelt bars/smith armor. Add crafting in your RPG. If you're standing near a furnace/anvil, it will also let you craft things with them. You will also need certain equipment in order to start crafting with anvil/furnace. For example, special heat-proof gloves to smelt ores and hammer to smith armor. You could also use crafting to cook some food.

Also, why don't you add cooking in game? Lets you to create bunch of different dishes. Some of them may even give you temporary boosts.

What do you think?

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Reviewer Off Offline

I am planning to add smithing in the mod of course, this is due to the dwarven armour having this as the only way to get it (unless you trade with other players). I have created a necklace and a bracelet for some use, which will be enchanting. And to get it you will need to smith. So your idea here really has already gone into action.

RPG Aurora is now being mostly based on Skyrim (even though I didn't notice this until later, yes, even after the armours I had no clue). Cooking in Skyrim is something no one really does, it's shit, useless and creates a hell-load of items in the game which no one really wants. I don't want items lying around in my mod. So no cooking.

Please take into account that I am not saying no to ideas because I dislike them. But I am also making sure the server will not be pushed beyond its limits.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Reviewer Off Offline

Okay well when I meant the mod basically is based on Skyrim does not mean I want crap from Skyrim. I am just saying without noticing it is.

I used Skyrim as an example of why I do not want to add cooking.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Deleted User

What about farming? With farming you can grow plants/herbs used for potion brewing. Plants has a 50% chance of catching a disease and dying. If you will compost it, then it will only be 15% chance of dying.

You can only plant in allocated areas, and only you will be able to see your plants.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Infinite Rain: Then what? You plant some shit, let it grow, make potions and throw the rest on the floor.

Please start thinking about the server and other players. Let me compare with minecraft, someone builds a massive house right at the spawn with gold blocks and everything with use of creative mode (thus a shit admin). Then a guest comes, and he sees the house and takes all the things of use and leaves the rest. No one wants the rest, it's shit and you can't do much with it.

That is what I don't want. Hope you understand, the idea is great, just doesn't have a lot of use.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Deleted User

@user Yates:
Drop what on the floor? There should not be anything left.
Plant -> Harvest -> Brew potion.

Also, if you are afraid of server lags caused by huge amount of items dropped, then why don't you add item despawning? If item was on the floor for longer than 2 minutes, then it will disappear. I used it in my script and it's pretty easy thing to do script-wise. Of course if you dropped that item in the house, then it won't disappear.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

User Off Offline

In case lag-free game is more important for you than well-looking items on the ground you could alternatively use just one image per tile.
Time ago when I tested my simple equipment system I used bomb_d image which was quite characteristic symbol of a tile with items. When all items were collected - bomb_d image disappeared.
I really belive it would be a lot of work for you to rewrite it all; it's just a suggestion. Just saying.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Infinite Rain & user Avo, I do not want to add farming because its only use is the creation of potions. That's it.

People will get sick of it and not use the items anyway, they will drop them (And I am already adding a function to remove items on time) and others will pick up the ones they want without doing anything.

old Re: RPG Ideas (Spells, items, potions etc.)

Moderator Off Offline

I just had a great idea.
Shield Armor.

It works like a normal armor and gives normal defenses, but getting hit frequently in a period of time with X % of damage will make it fade away.

In other words...
> +%/X defense
> Sustain 10 hits which take away 5% your health (or smaller bigger, dis just an example)
> Armor goes away and you lose all it's stats
> After not getting hit for a while, you regain your armor.
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