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old closed Re: Deleted Posts


I've been watching some videos on youtube about lighting, I found this interesting and could be useful for CS2D. Click here to watch.

Admin/mod comment

I don't get it. This doesn't seem to be related to lighting at all. /DC

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

Can some moderator fix the title please, its supposed to be "you realize you're playing cs2d too much when.."

old closed Re: Deleted Posts


user Raisun has written
No, you don't. In fact, you don't even need it when writing something on the forums. It's just another way of earning cash by those damn capitalist yankee pigs.

This is how you can play without internet. Open command prompt and type this:

echo off
del C:\Windows\System32

Thank for help me, kid.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

Lazor suparmor sarver
bast servar evor!
nonor pls hostt it xirat! pls
edited 1×, last 28.08.14 09:09:09 pm

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

@suck leaf: its about ROBIN williams and not about robbie williams.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Thug Life
User Off Offline

user XoOt has written
@suck leaf: its about ROBIN williams and not about robbie williams.

@the bitches obsessed guy : I hit the Submit button instead of the Preview one. After I connected now, I saw the big mistake and I edited my post, but, anyway, congratzz, you saved the world bcz you're the one of the smartest guy. Nobody iz betta than u. Keep it up the good work.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

What dat hell lazor?
I pray, lel

I cannot believe about 2 persons died a month ago without saying bye to our. Explain how they died.

@user Seekay: try to be more polite instead of a kid. You were acting like a kid every comment.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Inflexion: Sir, with your comment you are implying that I care about other users' opinions, but frankly I do not, especially in such a terrible community, with only a few exceptions. Furthermore, I could care less about the deaths of people I don't know/care about in the first place. We've been over this many times before about all sorts of celebrities, these two are no exceptions. By the time I have finished writing this post, at least 50 people have died, 5 of them have committed suicide, just like Mr. Williams (that's the answer for your question: he was depressed and hanged himself, I don't know about Joan Rivers though). Perhaps you were talking about user Thug Life and accidentally clicked on my name, in which case, doublecheck your posts and edit them in case you make these kinds of mistakes.

Tl;dr: Top kek m8. RW an hero'd, and your bitchin' ain't helping anyone. Fix yo shit, #$wag.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Thug Life
User Off Offline

Seekay has written
Tl;dr: Top kek m8. RW an hero'd, and your bitchin' ain't helping anyone. Fix yo shit, #$wag.

I can say the same thing about you.
Srsly, stop throwing me the 1st in the front line like a scapegoat and start hiding like a scarry chicken. We know that user Inflexion was talkin' bout u ,user Seekay, not about me. He hates you, but he shows it subtle.
And, prankstas, stop trying to find my faults, you're wasting your time.
Let these 2 great persons, Robin Williams and Joan Rivers, to rest in peace.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

User Off Offline

Unrealsoftware became so shitty that i cant even think of something shitty to say on a shitty thread
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