
Account Recovery
26 repliesAlso please read the additional rule 5.4 stating : No use of temporary e-mails.
Also why is this in the CS2D section? Granted you can't play CS2D without an account due to some servers having USGN limitations - but the thread should be posted elsewhere if not removed at all.
edited 3×, last 28.07.14 05:37:36 pm
P.S. Don't send him multiple messages - It's totally pointless and will only annoy DC.

EDIT: yes that one @

edited 1×, last 28.07.14 06:05:23 pm
Any attempt to claim accounts is futile unless you have 100% reliable and verifiable evidence of your ownership.
The key stone in any account is its E-mail but seeing how you
It's quite a problem for you. You should restore you're E-mail first - Hotmail has a password recovery system that you should use - or contact one of their support pages i think it was... Try that - and then go from there.cannot access you're account due to the E-mail being *DELETED*
Random Guy - I think you are referring to a Dynamic IP that changes every time you either unplug/lose you're Internet connection or Restart / Boot up you're PC.
edited 1×, last 28.07.14 05:50:11 pm
Edit: My e-mail has been really really inactive for a long time I don't think there is a way to recover that. I tried and did create a new e-mail account with the same name as the deleted one.
If there is a way to get my account back before fixing my computer I would be really happy to hear that.

Note the thread (

Also see:
If you can still log in using auto-login do the following please:

As TheD stated that proof is needed, may I ask what kind that would be? I doubt there could be much proof from a person who can't even log in his own account. Well there is also the method of comparing his IPs, but it would be a problem if he has a dynamic IP. Would members from a trustworthy community backing this individual work?
edited 2×, last 28.07.14 11:01:53 pm
He's a Moderator on my -[IFwsI]- Servers
His usgn: 40700
First Application with that USGN on my Site With the USGN account on Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:42 pm (IP Logged)
His report about the password issue Today at 4:26 pm (IP logged)
I have also provided you with IP’s/Logs via a pm.
I can also give you access to IP logs and Server logs to prove that he is who he says he is.
edited 2×, last 29.07.14 03:17:59 am

I guess you ,

If you can still log in using auto-login do the following please:
Post HERE (in this thread) with your old account (
Mew) and confirm that way, that it is really your account.

I don't think I can do that, I think you can trust what -[IFwsI]- community members said since there can't be a reason of all of us to try to steal a USGN account. Also check the IP's our lord cpt_kenpachi PM'd you, these things should be enough to proof that it IS my account.