I got a nice server from france and i want use it for another clan or person it's free !!
I sell y server for free but you just need to add me on skype : Aion.Gamer2611
Send me your clan forum url and all info and all i will add all on my server and i will turn ON my server with Dedicated and you will be the Owner on the server! But i seen that someone are searching for tibia servers i got one i am good scripter for tibia so we can make like a group for make it
Add me on contact skype : Aion.Gamer2611 And After we will talk don't forgot i sell my server for free for anywone and for any clans!!!
If you don't have clan and you want one tell me on skype i will do it for you thank you in advance!
edited 1×, last 18.08.14 11:53:45 am