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English [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

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Poll Poll

Are moderators here too strict?

Only registered users are allowed to vote
Yes, definitely
18.37% (9)
No, not at all
81.63% (40)
49 votes cast

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

User Off Offline

Sorry, but I don't agree with you.
Because they are making their job, and if you violate a rule they just temporary ban you for some hours/days.
edited 1×, last 04.02.15 05:02:42 pm

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

Super User Off Offline

They doesnt even act as strict as they should, so what's your problem? Enjoy the freedom at and be thankful for not getting banned for each post or topic you make.

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

Moderator Off Offline

This thread is pure pointless and will be closed soon.
Just because moderators give a ban to other users that doesn't mean they ban for no reason (if you see the rules you will see the and theirmoderator job you will see their job is a bit hard but is worth it for the forum).

And let's be honest this place will be totally worse if there won't be some moderators here and will be hard for @user DC to handle the forum alone to make it tidy.

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

Moderator Off Offline

To be honest, if we aren't strict enough then people thinks they can do anything they want. And they begin breaking the rules.
I'll keep this thread opened awaiting for user DC's reply.

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

Moderator Off Offline

There's a fine gap between being too strict and too lax.
I usually decide on the duration according to multiple factors:
• If the user is new, I tend to give slightly higher punishments on repeated violations and slightly lower when they break the rule for the first time.
• I see if the person cares or not. In other words, did he really break rules while having it in mind or was it just purely a fail or a mistake on his side and he didn't mean it.
The most 'casuals' that get banned get longer punishments as it prevents them from breaking rules (which they'll definitely do again). They don't really mind as they're not too interested in being active so it's kind of okay for both sides.
• I decide how likely it is that the person will break a rule. This is a bit tricky as I can't actually know who is writing it and how mature/old he is but usually the person's grammar,caps-lock usage, punctuation and excessive smileys show that.
• The duration also depends on what kind of rule is broken. Mostly the bans are 12h - 3 days. Rarely a week and a month in cases when violation has to do with illegal stuff.

Anyways, I think moderators give appropriate punishments. There was just this one time when I saw an innocent person get banned for a month which was quite a shock to me. There were circumstances and I'm not going to pry into it deeper. I think all moderators here are great
edited 1×, last 04.02.15 08:32:58 pm

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

Reviewer Off Offline

Well, I don't get Useigor sometimes. Zero once banned me from the forums for a week, an hour later Useigor gives me a full month ban for the same post. Eh. KimKat's another shining example for overreacting and banning for a month while all the other mods would only ban for a week or two.

So basically, most of them are just fine. Most of them.

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

Reviewer Off Offline

I agree with user Seekay .Useigor,KimKat are just overreacting and banning just cause of a little thing. Others are fine. its okay if they give a good reason. but a reason isnt fitting the consequences, I find that pretty messed up.

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

Admin On Online

It's natural and human to overreact when someone provokes you. Moderators are humans with feelings as well. People have to learn to handle such situations and to calm down before acting. I still catch myself from time to time overreacting because of super stupid post/messages - and I'm running this forum for over 10 years now. I think that staying calm and 100% fair can be pretty hard in certain situations.
@user oxytamine: Saying that this is a mental problem is nonsense and actually quite offending in my opinion.

It's nearly always provocation of some sort which leads to such "overreaction"-bans. So this can be avoided very easily. Provoking moderators is quite stupid anyway. Example: user oxytamine clearly shouldn't have posted what he just posted. It was either stupid or an intended provocation (which is forbidden for good reasons).

I think that moderators aren't too strict. Of course there might be exceptions but it's fair in general I think. It's crucial to have rules and to enforce them otherwise this forum wouldn't work as intended. I also think that it is quite easy to learn those simple rules and to behave accordingly so that you don't get any temp bans.

Moreover please note that admin/mod comments/warnings (without temp ban) are no punishment. They are just meant to help you and to improve the quality of the stuff you contribute.

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

User Off Offline

user Seekay has written
Well, I don't get Useigor sometimes. Zero once banned me from the forums for a week, an hour later Useigor gives me a full month ban for the same post. Eh. KimKat's another shining example for overreacting and banning for a month while all the other mods would only ban for a week or two.
It's funny to see how (unwittingly?) you lie and omit important parts to look like victim of outrage.
• It was few minutes later (at least i noticed that user 0a started removing posts).
• Direct proof of "full" ban. Indirect: link (14/01/15) (12 days later).
• You probably didn't know that Hitler tried kill, deport, ensalve Slavic people: Lebensraum (also look at stats of civilian deaths and compare them to military WWII Casualties). So i'm not gonna tolerate such pranks (i removed insolent images).

If I remember correctly, user 0a gave you full ban.

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

User Off Offline

Uh... I don't think he's lying, I banned him for a week and then you banned him for a month. What I felt like if you had power, you would just ban him completely.
While I moderate a forum, I forget about my ethnicity, since nothing about that in internet can help me or someone else. I think many people should also do that, overreacting as seekay said, is not a solution.
I think it's just unfair to degrade other users and act like they don't know anything about history, et cetera. Seekay made fun of Hitler, just like other shit ton of tv shows,movies, games does.
You just need to chill out and realize not every god damn person in this world is a braindead maniac that is trying to do cyber terrorism.

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

Reviewer Off Offline

@user useigor: bruh

>Screenshot Thingy<

Zero banned me for a week, you banned me for a month. So much for your proof, lol. The locking forum/all ban thing was turned around, though, pardon me.

And it was 6-7 minutes later, I'll give you that. I only noticed that ban after an hour. Still, 7 minutes is enough time to notice that another moderator already took care of things.

Edit: Oh wait, you always ban more than once, right. Guess it was just 3 minutes after Zero. Still enough time though.

Welp, case closed. Moving on.

Btw, did you notice I completely ignored the Hitler thing you adressed for some reason? Ayy lmao.
edited 1×, last 07.02.15 07:16:45 pm

old Re: [POLL]Are moderators here too strict?

Super User Off Offline

Just for you information, if you want get banned by KimKat, just write here here his map isn`t so good at all. I`m serious, few peoples get banned for that.

Others moderators, as useigor, Starkkz are good. Good examples for other moderators from other forum.

Engin33r is AFK too much time imho, but he good too.

Admin/mod comment

We don't do that yates for moderator stuff here anymore. Removed. /DC
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