"i kill you"
"You are noob"
"I love you lennon"
"Im idiot"
When player choose one hes saying this by himself like command in console "say im idiot"
user = {} function _join(id) 	user[id] = {} 	user[id].lastActionTime = os.time() end function _leave(id) 	user[id] = nil end function _use(id) 	user[id].actionTime = os.time() 	if user[id].actionTime - user[id].lastActionTime <= 2 then -- I hope it's in seconds, otherwise go use 200 		menu(id,'Poland the best,The Gajos,mafia_man,Avobolt') 	end 	user[id].lastActionTime = os.time() end -- you have to code menu hook -- addhook('join','_join') addhook('leave','_leave') addhook('use','_use')
addhook("serveraction" , "_serveraction") function _serveraction(id,action) 	if action==1 then 		menu(id,"Console,i kill you,Die,You are noob,I love you lennon,Im idiot") 	end end addhook("menu","_menu") function _menu(id,title,button) 	if title=="Console" then 		if button==1 then parse('say "i kill you"') end 		if button==2 then parse('say "Die"') end 		if button==3 then parse('say "You are noob"') end 		if button==4 then parse('say "I love you lennon"') end 		if button==5 then parse('say "Im idiot"') end 	end end
addhook("serveraction" , "_serveraction") function _serveraction(id,action) if action==1 then 	 if (player(id,"team")==2) then menu(id,"Console,i kill you,Die,You are noob,I love you lennon,Im idiot") end end end addhook("menu","_menu") function _menu(id,title,button) if title=="Console" then if button==1 then parse('say "i kill you"') end if button==2 then parse('say "Die"') end if button==3 then parse('say "You are noob"') end if button==4 then parse('say "I love you lennon"') end if button==5 then parse('say "Im idiot"') end end end
msg('©050148252'..player(id,'name')..': ©255220000That's my message from Poland')