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Englisch Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

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alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin On Online

@user gamus: Lua scripts are running on the server only. So if you would want to cancel attacking dynamically using Lua scripts it would have to work like this:
• Client: Send attack request to server, wait for response.
• Server: Receive and process request, execute Lua scripts and send corresponding response depending on Lua return value.
• Client: Receive the response and either show attack FX or not.

That works in theory but it would mean that every single attack would have a delay of at least a few milliseconds (and much more when you have a bad ping). This would feel extremely strange and unresponsive.

So with the current system it's impossible to do that in a way that feels good. Sorry.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Moderator Off Offline

Lua commands:

imageparent(what_image, to_what_image)
Parenting images to other images would make their position local to the image they were parented to (useful in case that you don't want to send a overhead of UDP messages to move 300 images at once?).

imagetext(what_image, x_offset, y_offset, rotation_offset, text, r, g, b, a)
To be able to display a text which would be parented to a image aswell, so you won't be running out of hud text slots especially if you're running scripts from different sources in the same Lua state.

x_offset, y_offset, rotation_offset should only act as offset values according to the position/rotation of the original image.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Moderator Off Offline

You should consider adding "Copy Input", "Paste Input" and the rest of these that I did not mention in my reply on the CS2D Console for Linux systems. I have to deal with "Clear Input" button only on console, so miserable.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Black Wolf
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user GeoB99 hat geschrieben
Whenever you are equipped with Stealth Suit, the bots can't see/attack you unless you start shooting at them or doing too much footsteps. Same as for the Smoke Grenade, when I am hidden in a smoke the bots can't see you as long you don't shot at them or going out from the smoke.

Not good idea tho, will be way too easy to hide

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Apache uwu
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@user sayori: I don't think it would be better if every server was like that. You're changing a major function in the game. And what if there is a button next to a pile a weapons? Trigger the button or pick up a weapon?

@topic: Has a mouse click hook been asked already? It'd be nice for custom menus, because using the attack hook only works when the player is alive, and the serveraction buttons aren't as accessible as the mouse buttons.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

A separate value save in userstats.dat for the amount of other scores players have achieved in the map. Like bombdefuse, plant, flag, domination, etc. Yes, one can simply get the values of those with something such as this:
print('Other Score: '..tonumber(player(id, "score"))-tonumber(player(id, "frags")))
Except there is a score bugs which makes the amount of other scores the user had irretrievable and therefore if you had to patch the score, it would just be this formula:
instead of
Which ofcourse, patches the score but the player loses all the other score he got.
Therefore, adding a new return hook value and a save of otherscores would solve this problem with something like this:
print('Other Score: '..tonumber(player(id, "otherscore")))

A bug like this occurs on major servers. I had to patch over 50 erroneous bugged scores of users like this. Except ofcourse, without their otherscores.
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