Admin/mod comment
"Leagune", with that English, I can't even... /ZxC XoOt Super User
This looks like random spam to me, couldnt you atleast try to put some effort into the explanation of your nonsense? I need seriously. Not Spam .
We don't even understand what you want. Please elaborate 1
function _say(id,txt)
	if txt:sub(1,1) == (txt:sub(1,1)):lower() then-- dunno if will work
		txt = (txt:sub(1,1)):upper()..txt:sub(2,#txt).."."
		msg(player(id,"name")..": "..txt)
		return 1
That's one of your modes (if I made it correctly)
I won't make the other chat mode because it's gramatically incorrect and I don't want to encourage writing improperly.
P.S. tha understanding/assumption skills doe 
P.P.S. @Others: what he wants is two chat modes, one will capitalize the first letter (like it should be) and place a dot at the end, the other will capitalize each word and put dots between words.
P.P.P.S. @
Skill: At least you tried
edited 1×, last 04.10.15 07:20:41 pm
Skill has written
I can Chat Editor.
What I can say. I can this thread.
I forget
''Can'' false.
''Need'' true . Would you mind elaborating with what you said? Do you mean returning "false" and/or "true"? I don't see what is the purpose for a return in
Rainoth code as these "return false" and "return true" are kind of booleans. At least,
say doesn't need these returns. I might go wrong (and if so, is appreciated if someone corrects me) but still is more better if you explain what do you mean.
Additional prerequisite: stop using smiles in a row as they're not intended in that way and this makes you a childish person. You're basically even violating the rules by doing so.
Edit1: Nevermind, I've got the meaning. But still read the second part regard using smiles. edited 1×, last 05.10.15 08:19:51 pm