Hello :us
How I can make a design for a sprite and the colors for it makes it perfect .
Is the relationship of the softwares or I have to improves my paint skills .
There is no perfect skin, it just has to be good enough.
Just a tip, when you're drawing something, don't think about drawing an object but think about drawing a shape instead. Though, your uploads are actually just recolors, which are usually seen as uncreative.
Is the relationship of the softwares or I have to improves my paint skills .
The tool is only as good as the user.
I'd say do some pixel art tutorials, check out skins made by other people, compare their work to yours, see how you can improve upon it.
You can also try out different software, see which one works the best for you.
Before you're going to choose a painting software, I'd suggest you Paint.NET first. I'd prefer Paint.NET over GIMP not because GIMP is bad but it would be too much difficult to get used into it. Obviously, it would be hard nearly all the paintings software if you are a total newbie at skinning field but with practice and effort bit by bit, you'll get used and figuring it somehow.
Never try GIMP at the first time when you're trying to make your own sprites. It's hard and complicated for beginners, like me. I tried GIMP once. GIMP is a medium-sized program. It took all of my memory and I only have 2 GB RAM. Not only it's a memory-taker program but it does have complicated interface. My program that I use to draw sprites is Paint.NET. It's small and easy to learn. You can draw sprites really fast if you get used to it. If you're really want to learn GIMP because your brother can use it better than you then I can't hold you, but I warn you, your progress on drawing sprites will be really slow.
Find the right software that you're comfortable with, start small and dream big. Don't overdo things or you'll screw up. It's not about what you have in disposal most of the time, its about skill.