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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I'm not 100% sure I got what you are asking VADemon, but if I did and am not being stupid (I'm probably being stupid, but hey, I'll try ), here's the short version.

You have a class/module/library "s3sprite". It contains functions inside of it that point to itself and change attributes, like color. "sprite" is an instance of the "s3sprite" class, so when it uses those functions that point to itself, what will it point to? Well, itself: "sprite".

So when you use sprite.setColor(...), what it is doing is telling the object "sprite" to use the function "setColor", and "setColor" simply changes some of the objects attributes. It is as simple as that.

I have never worked with Lua, but OOP should work that same way in general.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user VADemon: You're basically right. The thing is that at this point we're not talking about pure Lua but about the Lua to C# binding (done with Moonsharp). The functions which are called are actually C# functions and the sprite is a UserData thingy. I didn't use the UserData concept at all before so before "sprite" was just an integer index and I did everything manually in my C# Lua binding implementation.

In this particular case ":" instead of "." would work too. And of course you're right, in pure Lua it would normally be ":" instead of "." all the time.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Seeing as you made a seashell, are you going to use that and create other things as ground clutter? And if so will you be able to interact with the ground clutter?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DannyDeth: Perlin noise does well. Stranded III is not a simulation. I'm not trying to get the most realistic results, I'm trying to get interesting and playable results.

@user Yates: Basically like Stranded II. The shell will be a collectible item and there will be more of these. You will be able to interact with nearly all of the stuff you see.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user VADemon: There's only one possible way I see that happening, the userdata object is a C# object and every time you attempt to acess that userdata object with the __index metamethod, there's another C# function that looks up for the C# methods with the given name and then returns it to the stack as a Lua function.

I see that as a good example, I'm not really sure if user DC did it like that.

@user DC: Perhaps, you could push the metatable of every class into the Lua registry table? This way we would be able to modify the metatables and create more methods by ourselfes.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Mami Tomoe
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I hope it will be easier to understand how to play this game

I never got how the game works until I watched a video (I still don't know how to play I FEEL I MISSED SO MUCH)

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Mami Tomoe: If you played or took a try to play Stranded 2 before then the difference isn't that significant. Some things are improved, enhanced, etc. but the game-play is still same. The only difference that impacts the game is the scripting style which I remember it has been told somewhere in this thread, it'll be similar to CC (Carnage Contest). I.E - You can take a look at CC Weapon scripts section of F.A. if you're curious.

In few words, you won't encounter some things that are in CS2D, for example hooks but there's nothing to be scared about it. Oh well, someone may find hard to digest the way of how the scripting style looks like yet I guess it wouldn't be a big problem. Unless if you know how to script in the previous Stranded sequel (or at least getting familiar with it) then everything is fine.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Reviewer Off Offline

@user DC: And will there be lots of ground clutter? I remember Stranded 2's ground was very empty and only had a few colour gradients.

For example, ARK has ground clutter which can be picked up, mined etc. But also has ground clutter which is there just to look good and add to the surroundings. Here is an image of ARK ground clutter with and without:


The top image is with. As you can see on the one without most of the grass is gone, and in the middle of the image the stones in the background are also gone.

My question is are you going for the style with only ground clutter which can be interacted with or are you going to add visual ground clutter for the sake of making it all look and feel good?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user Yates: Yes, I know what you mean. As I said: My plan is to only have stuff you can actually interact with + grass. This is because I hate static stuff which you can't do anything with in games. It's however also a big performance and memory question because stuff you can interact with can be a bit more expensive. You also can't just hide it with a setting for extra performance because it would be unfair.

I didn't run any tests related to this yet so I might change my mind and I also can't say how much stuff there will be.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Ah I'm still dreaming to get one myself. It must be so awesome to work directly on the screen. Right now I'm using an intuos.

Btw, is that the cintiq 13 HD or the cintiq 13 HD touch?
edited 1×, last 28.03.16 08:32:50 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

This isn't 13", it's 24" It's the Cintiq 24HD without touch (there was no touch version when I bought it). I think Wacom doesn't produce/sell this model anymore. There are the newer 22HD and 27QHD versions now.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Oh, my bad, I got a bit confused by the buttons.

Haven't really checked out the Cintiq series because I can't afford them aynway.

But yeah, you can actually see that yours is way bigger than 13".


old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
@user Yates: Yes, I know what you mean. As I said: My plan is to only have stuff you can actually interact with + grass. This is because I hate static stuff which you can't do anything with in games. It's however also a big performance and memory question because stuff you can interact with can be a bit more expensive. You also can't just hide it with a setting for extra performance because it would be unfair.

I didn't run any tests related to this yet so I might change my mind and I also can't say how much stuff there will be.

i agree with this design decision; one thing i loved about Stranded 2 was that everything could be picked up or mined.... its great; so hopefully you can find a convenient way to have nice clutter while not being too high performance and being too easy to gather supplies.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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DC has written
I don't have much progress code-wise because I wasn't able to motivate myself enough to solve the problems in the UI system.

That happen to a lot of people - to me as well. But I got a small advantage because I'm not used to larger IDEs and their tools.
I'm working with LÖVE (a Lua framework) and ZeroBraneStudio (an Lua Code Editor):
While ZBS provides some basic tools like an debugger; auto-completion or breakpoints, it still doesn't feel like working with any of the larger IDEs (VisualStudio, Eclipse, ...).

If I get stuck in my code because of some weird problems I can't really fix at this point, I always end up re-doing the whole system (or at least the part I'm struggling with) and in that process I often find a better way to organise my code, rewrite it and voila - it works like a charm.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Wait, wait, wait. What is Stranded 3? Is it like Ark Survival? Because I saw some screenshots, it looks like Ark Survival a decade ago.
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